Angel of Death: Charles Hayes and the CIA Rogue Hacker Group Known as the Fifth Column
Breakdown, Connections, and Notes
Beth Cook, Attorney for DOJ: "Do you know the Angel of Death?"
Hayes: "I know him well."
Janet Reno (allegedly): "The Justice Department will leave the Angel of Death alone if he will leave the Justice Department alone."
What happened on September 11, 1991?
What happened 10 years later on September 11, 2001?
We will call this the 25,000 foot view. This doesn't just stop in the 90's. So much of what we talk about today is tied in. When you see the timeline, it will all make sense.
Who is the Angel of Death?
Charles Hayes was supposedly either one of, or a contact person for, "The Fifth Column," a group of ex-CIA computer hackers who have become so torqued off about corruption in the government that they have started their own crusade against it.
It was rumored that they acquired their own Cray Supercomputer (previously from Clark Air Force Base), which they keep in a semi-tractor trailer and move around at random intervals during the 90s. For several years the Fifth Column had searched computer data bases, including foreign bank accounts, looking for evidence of political bribery, kickbacks, and related subversion of the U.S. Constitution and political process.
Two of the people they had been investigating was Hillary Clinton and Vincent Foster for espionage. The money they uncovered was transferred by the Angel of Death from politically-related illegal accounts at off-shore banks in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, and elsewhere to a holding account at the US Federal Reserve.
On top of this, they were sending these politicians envelopes containing all the information on their favorite Swiss bank accounts with transactions to and from said bank accounts. Included in the envelope was a little letter which "requested" that they resign or the information will be made public.
At this period of time, there were over 50 resignations from Congress.
Hayes had acquired the Internet label of AOD ("Angel of Death" or "Angel of Doom") due to his efforts in encouraging the early retirement of corrupt politicians.
The Octopus
On April 2, 1996, Charles S. Hayes — retired CIA operative, Air Force Colonel, and Kentucky salvage dealer — was deposed by the U.S. Department of Justice with respect to the Inslaw case. Hayes' extensive testimony was redacted under the National Security Act.
Hayes testimony led to a tangled web of freelance arms dealers, drug runners, assassins, and government miscreants. Hayes dubbed this "the Octopus." Hayes is said to have testified to detailed criminal violations of U.S. law by employees of the Department of Justice and other government agencies.
Freelance journalist Danny Casolaro also adopted the term "the Octopus." Danny used Hayes as a frequent source of information. They knew each other and were friends.
Where the Information Came From
In August 1990, Charles Hayes purchased used Justice Department computers and peripheral equipment (Lot 097 from the U.S. attorney's office in Lexington, Kentucky) for salvage for $45, and found on them copies of the pirated PROMIS software, as well as sealed grand jury indictments, and the names of Justice Deptaartment informants.
"The error may have put some informants, witness and undercover agents in a 'life-and-death' situation."
Ties to Ronald Reagan
Earl Brian served as Director of California's Department of Health Care Services and then as Secretary of California's Agency for Health and Welfare under then-Governor Ronald Reagan.
Earl Brian was under indictment and convicted in California in 1996 on conspiracy charges.
Brian was Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of three separate companies: Infotechology, Financial News Network (FNN), and United Press International (UPI).
Danny Casolaro's Murder
Danny Casolaro was murdered on August 10, 1991. Danny was found dead in his bathtub a bloody mess in Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia.
The exact scene seen by investigators mirrored the death of another reporter in Guatemala, Anson NG Yonc, who was also found dead in his bathtub; the only thing different was one was dead from a single gunshot, the other was dead from slit wrists.
The Addendum to INSLAW's ANALYSIS and REBUTTAL of the BUA REPORT, on February 14, 1994: "The Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations OSI's publicly-declared mission is to locate and deport Nazi war criminals. The Nazi war criminal program is, however, a front for the Justice Department's own covert intelligence service, according to disclosures recently made to INSLAW by several senior Justice Department career officials . . . According to written statements of which INSLAW has obtained copies, another undeclared mission of the Justice Department's covert agents was to insure that investigative journalist Danny Casolaro remained silent about the role of the Justice Department in the INSLAW scandal by murdering him in West Virginia in August 1991."
Assassination Attempt
On May 11, 1996, Charles Hayes misses his flight on ValueJet Airlines Flight 592 from Miami to Atlanta. About ten minutes after departing Miami, the plane crashed as a result of a fire in the cargo compartment probably caused by mislabeled and improperly stored hazardous cargo (oxygen generators). All 110 people on board were killed.
Hayes and a colleague had tickets to fly out of Miami. They got stuck in a restaurant too long and decided to take a later flight.
This was an assassination attempt.
Jackson Stephens, Don Tyson, and Richard Mellon Scaife allegedly pooled their pocket change and put out a $100,000 contract on the Angel of Death. They farmed it out to the New Orleans Syndicate. The breakdown is reportedly $50,000 by Stephens, and $25,000 each by Tyson and Scaife.
This makes the second time Jackson Stephens had hired an assassin in that year alone.... allegedly.
Who is Jackson Stephens?
From this article published on November 1, 2001 titled “Jackson Stephens 'Active' in Venice Florida:”
Jackson Stephens, a name often linked with America’s super-secret National Security Agency, has been an influential presence for several decades in the tiny town which served as port of entry into U.S. flight and even military training for the terrorist cadre implicated in the Sept 11 attack.
Jackson Stephens name, so often linked to the NSA, has made a brief appearance in almost every whispered-about scandal or cover-up in America in the past two decades.
He was named in the BCCI criminal bank scandal, in the death of Vince Foster and the stolen Promis software scandal of the Justice Dept, and in the 1996 campaign finance scandal involving allegations of Red Chinese money.
Most notably, Jackson Stephens has already been named in one intelligence-related aviation scandal: the gun-running and cocaine smuggling at Mena, Arkansas during the 1980’s that was behind Iran Contra and Whitewater.
In other words, according to this report, Jackson Stephens was tied to the same airport in Venice, Florida that was used to train the 9/11 hijackers.
Same Airport Used In Iran Contra
Would it surprise you that the same airport involved in 9/11 was also connected to Iran Contra?
Interestingly enough, the Venice Airport also surfaced briefly in the questioning of Oliver North during the Iran Contra hearings, when a man with a local aviation business named Joe Duncan was alleged to have run guns to the Contras from the airport.
In 1976, Arkansas businessman Jackson Stephens and Indonesian businessman Mochtar Riady formed Stephens Financial Ltd in Hong Kong, which led to a meeting of Stephens and Riady with members of the BCCI.
In 1977, Jackson Stephens invited BCCI into America and helped BCCI bring about the purchase of First American Bankshares, operated by Clark Clifford and Robert Altman.
How do these facts connect? Jack Stephens has been a financial backer of both the George Bush campaign and the Bill Clinton campaign for US President. The long and winding road of corruption also led Stephens to purchase Alltel, whose subsidiary, Systematics, used a version of the oft-purloined PROMIS software.
According to Tyree's lawsuit: Jackson Stephens and Mochtar Riady were in business together and paid off politicians from Arkansas to look the other way and ignore the CIA cocaine operation at Mena, Arkansas. The Lippo Group, i.e., Mochtar Riady, had been involved with Bill Clinton since Clinton was Governor in Arkansas.
"Stephens, Riady and the CIA are in bed together," said Carone. "They own a lot of people. They have a lot of money. They get things done. I answer to Stephens indirectly. I answer to his money is who I answer to, and so does everyone else at the CIA that wants to get things done where Stephens has influence."
Just as Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh effectively covered up the "high crimes and misdemeanours" of George Bush in the so-called "Iran-Contra Report", so did Kenneth Starr continue the cover-up of CIA drug trafficking with the Clinton/Lewinsky sexcapades and the Clinton impeachment.
When Long Island, New York - based FBI Special Agent Richard M. Taus, a decorated Vietnam veteran, got too close to CIA drug running, he was framed. Imprisoned at the ironically named Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York, Taus is currently seeking an attorney to appeal his sentence.
How does it all tie in? Carone told Tyree that "you need to find out and uncover the business that involved Ollie North and George Bush, called 'The Enterprise', as everything went through there".
According to Tyree's lawsuit: Vincent Foster, a good friend of Governor Bill Clinton, often shuttled vast sums of money around the world that related completely to 'The Enterprise' formed by Ollie North and George Bush.
The Enterprise was also called "K-Team". Taus says that since his trial he has tried to "obtain records and files from the FBI" concerning himself, especially about his investigation into K-Team's involvement in the Iran-Contra arms initiative.
"Finally in 1995, the Bureau acknowledged possessing 2,400 pages that mentioned the Irangate affair and my name," Taus says, "but I have never received them or any records on me — records that were used by the prosecution in my case, against me, yet never shared with the defense."
According to Taus: "It was my initial investigation into the organized crime case which evolved into the Pizza Connection case that identified CIA involvement. And CIA's ugly head reared itself in many other FBI probes.
What About Vincent Foster?
Vince Foster, on behalf of a Little Rock software firm, was one of the overseers of a NSA spying operation which targeted domestic bank accounts.
Both Foster and Hillary Clinton were under counterintelligence investigation for selling US secrets to the Israelis. Specifically, they were selling US nuclear secrets. But that wasn't the only people they were selling US secrets to, which was a big problem for the Israelis.
Vincent Foster was murdered on July 20, 1993.
William Colby
William Colby was the director of the CIA up until 1976 in a move called the "Halloween Massacre." Colby was a big supporter on the role of free speech in the US. He saw the role of the CIA as a defender of civil rights and spoke out about domestic spying. He also proposed a number of reforms that would limit excessive classification of governmental information.
Colby, of course, knew Hayes. Allegedly, the circumstances by which Colby was removed as CIA director involved an action in which Hayes was involved. Colby was replaced by George H.W. Bush.
Do you remember the white envelopes at his funeral? That was highly symbolic and timely.
Colby was offered the position of United States Permanent Representative to NATO but turned it down.
Colby would become a huge supporter of the nuclear freeze, which was mass movement in the United States during the 1980s to secure an agreement between the U.S. and Soviet governments to halt the testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons.
What was Vincent Foster accused of selling?
Colby was later killed during a boating accident on April 27, 1996, when he set out on a solo canoe trip and drowned.
Colby: "Foster was killed but he wasn't a spy."
I wonder what happened to the Angel of Death’s five friends.
Welp, now im wondering if the Lewinsky sexcapades was a intentional distraction. That was a huge distraction to cover up something way bigger that involved many high rankers.🤔🤔🤔
And as far as the AOD’s friends, i noticed the Clinton’s are still healthy. Im thinking they are at least connected. And they have friends. They were all at GB sr’s funeral. And just saw in the news Michelle Obama says she wont be at the inauguration!👀 wonder if she will even be in the country?
OMG this is a lot to process, if this can be researched then you know Trump knows i.e. the white envelopes, Bondi is going to have her hands full and Gitmo is going to be full. So many killeried. Just WOW. Great substack Lizzy