Con Inc and the Red Pilled Antifa
Part 2: Agents of Chaos and the Rabbit Hole That Led Me To Them
So here we are on the second installment of Con Inc and The Red Pilled Antifa. This is where things get interesting.
I am going to start off with the rabbit hole that led me to writing this substack. It is important to note that this is not the order in which information was presented to me or that I became aware of said information. However, it is the order in which I started making the connections. It is the very beginning of this tale and what led to this dive.
Some of this information I knew over a year ago. I just didn't know to connect the dots or that the dots even existed. Some were recent revelations.
I want to be clear that this wasn't my research. This isn't my story. It is all our stories. This story belongs to every anon out there who has ever been marked as a targeted individual... of which there are many. This is the result of other people's hard work, their struggles, and their suffering. The only thing I did was connect it all together.
We had all the information all this time. We just didn't understand what we were looking at.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are names and groups of people who appear in this substack. This in no way insinuates their involvement, their innocence, or their guilt. Your individual discernment will be required as you read this.
How does one tell a story that is so big that I could spend a year researching it and probably still not get to the end of the rabbit hole? They lay all their cards on the table and let people decide for themselves.
There are indeed some bad actors involved. There are also some very misguided people or even people who have been so manipulated that they woke up one day to find themselves involved in something they probably didn't understand themselves. (Remember, what made Stasi tactics so successful was that it got citizens involved in an operation that they didn't realize was an operation.) I asked the question in Part 1 of this substack if someone would recognize that they were a targeted individual of a PSYOP. It is my firm belief that a majority of people would not.
When the dust settles, it is my hope that we will find that this was being run by a very small group of individuals. What seems to be an overwhelmingly large operation will in reality be shown to be part of the illusion.
When the dust settles, we should treat the people who become aware of what is going on as another part of the Great Awakening. We should actively seek to educate, arm ourselves with knowledge, learn to defend ourselves, and actively subvert these manipulations from being used against individuals. This is an information war which employs unconventional weapons. Our defenses need to be just as unconventional in order to stop the agents of chaos.
Don't let them win. If division is the goal, then our response should be a bold declaration of unification. That declaration should be clearly heard. It should be concise. It should not be misunderstood in its meaning. And it should be echoed by every single one of us.
Let’s begin…
The Article and Picture That Started It All
ImtheWriteAngel on Truth Social started a research thread with this article and the below image.
In the scope of things, it was pretty harmless. Gateway Pundit made some misguided accusations about Garrett Ziegler regarding the Hunter Biden's laptop emails and never retracted the story. Oh, I am sure Garrett Ziegler was plenty upset about this. However, this really isn't the focus of this particular story. We can discuss Gateway Pundit's journalistic integrity at a later time.
Further on down in the article, you see the author criticize Gateway Pundit's choice of AI software, which really is central to their story considering the whole accusation was made due to software. The companies which developed the software have ties to both CCP and Israel (presumably Mossad). It also included the above picture.
But the article was lacking one thing. It didn't have the name of one of the men in the picture or the date, place, and reason why the picture was even taken to begin with. So I started doing a search on Tineye for the picture's origins.
This article and story in itself really isn't important. It was just what started this monster of a rabbit hole that I climbed down into. As a researcher, you go off on all kinds of weird tangents. You follow your gut feelings and your instincts. You try and answer the questions that pop into your head. I was merely trying to put a name, date, and circumstance on something because it was an unknown and I had a question.
What I found was an article written by Jim Hoft himself in regards to remembering the passing of Andrew Breitbart, founder of Breitbart News and co-founder of Huffington Post.
Human Events: Remembering Andrew Breitbart on His 44th Birthday (2/1/2013)
The names of the men, location, circumstance, and date were found.
Fantastic! Now I had two connections with Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, and Israel... albeit very weak and tenuous connections — through their business dealings with an AI software provider and a picture with the Israeli Prime Minister. However, these connections really don't point to anything substantial without more information.
Was there more to it than just this? I didn't know. But I was going to find out if there was more to it than just this.... especially considering the recent connections certain media organizations within the anon community now had with the Gateway Pundit.
This is where the real story takes off. Everything up to this point has been fluff. Background. Landscape. Basically nothing more than white noise in the grand scheme of things. But it is the starting point of this tale.
I started looking into controversies involving Jim Hoft, CEO of The Gateway Pundit.
Give Us Today Our Daily Breb: Meet BrebDaily
In my search, I came across this story regarding January 6. This in itself was interesting as I wasn't looking into J6 — at all. I was looking into controversies involving Jim Hoft. As a researcher, when an anomaly appears, it warrants attention. Well, the below certainly caught my attention.
Ray Epps. Boomer Fed Confirmed.
Breb Corleone — Who is labeling people as FBI undercover agents.
A few questions popped into my mind. Was this Breb Corleone tied to the Breb Boys? How would he have this kind of information? How did he know Ray Epps? Was this Breb Corleone person a FBI agent who was projecting in order to protect himself from being discovered?
I definitely had a lot of questions. So I went and did an internet search for Breb Corleone. Needless to say, I was not disappointed by the results.
It wasn't until I looked up BrebDaily that I started getting really interesting results. It would seem that the user BrebDaily went by many names — Breb Corleone, X-MANFREN, and Chief Breb.
This is when I came across the story regarding the confrontation of Tucker Carlson in the sporting goods store that made the news cycle.
And more accusations about undercover agents...
How would BrebDaily have this information? Lists of federal agents aren't readily available public information... or easily researchable. These are generally closely guarded state secrets.
So far I found stories regarding baseball bats at J6, Ray Epps being a fed at J6, a story about a guy standing next to Antifa being a fed the night before J6, and the guy who filmed himself confronting Tucker Carlson in a sporting goods store being a fed. These stories had one thing in common. They all included the name "Breb Corleone."
Wait... Are we starting to see the beginnings of a few patterns here?
Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy opposition. What about four times? What if it was more than four times?
So, I went and searched for more news regarding the Gateway Pundit, anything with the word Breb in it, and J6. Again, I was not disappointed.
Daily Beast: Ultra MAGA Gateway Pundit’s Bizarro Feud With a Jan. 6 Rioter
A few things immediately caught my attention. Here is another instance of accusations of someone being a federal agent. This time they were being slung by Jim Hoft. And Jim Hoft in turn is being accused (falsely) of being a pedophile.
Where have I heard accusations like these before? This playbook seems familiar.
We also have a few names listed here to note:
Tim "Baked Alaska" Gionet
Nicholas Fuentes
Groyper Army
Breb Corleone and Groyper Army. Could the two be connected? Is there a Breb Corleone in the Breb Basket room on Telegram?
Well... yes. Yes, there is.
What about Nick Fuentes? Where have I heard about him before? Wasn't he in the news not so long ago? More questions crept up in my mind.
Knee-Jerk Reactions And Deep Fakes
Everything up to this point was being done by a group of female researchers, publicly, on Truth Social, and was being posted into one single thread. We knew we had a story. There was just one problem. We had no idea what story we actually had.
Everything probably would have ended there except something rather remarkable (and heartbreaking) happened. One of the g
irls was using her real life photo as her profile picture. All of a sudden, there were deep fakes porn videos of her on the web being widely shared. Whoever was behind the attacks was trying to discredit her, smear her good image, and destroy her marriage. The images were so bad and so prolific that Truth Social actually reached out to her to solve this issue.
Something else happened. We noticed a whole slew of heated attacks coming from members of the Breb Basket.
What exactly had we stumbled upon? In those first few weeks, we really didn't know. But as we kept digging certain names and groups kept popping up over and over again. After long hours and tedious discussions, a pattern began to emerge. The answer to that question can be found within this series of substacks.
The Breb Room and Lin Wood
If you have spent any time online, you have probably come across members of The Breb Basket. Or maybe you have at least heard of them. However, there may be those who have not. So I am going to offer a bit of a background regarding them.
Brebs, Breb Boys, Linions, and so on. These are the names Anons have given to the followers of Lin Wood who belong to the Telegram groups The Breb Room and The Breb Basket. It has long been speculated that Lin Wood is directing the actions of this particular group — that he has been guiding their attacks against certain people online. These people are not just ardent followers. They are foot soldiers. Jack boots. Dissidents meant to cause confusion and discredit others.
These attacks, from my own personal experience and observation, has come in the form of threats, doxxing, slandering, and libel. Libel is usually in the form of calling someone a pedophile, pedo protector, or federal agent/informant. The desired end result, it would seem, is to cause enough confusion to paralyze the target or their followers into inaction, to stifle the flow of information, to dissuade others from being more involved, to shut down all lines of communication, and so on.
Their tagline comes from a perversion of the Bible verse "Give us today our daily bread." This is misspelled intentionally to Breb. Avatars come in the form of either memes with bread instead of faces, as we see in the case of Breb Corleone or in the form of groyper, which is a perversion of the MAGA movement's Pepe. Their slogans include “being cozy”, AGMI (ain't gonna make it), and NGMI (not gonna make it), and other variations thereof.
I have never seen them do anything positive for MAGA except attack other people online. From my own observation, their targets include anyone who is locally active, people working on election integrity, anyone who is involved in President Trump's inner circle, anyone who is trying to educate and inform the public on current events and news, anyone who is trying to organize grassroots movements, etc. They discourage voting and being politically active, especially on a local level.
Remember that the goal of "Disinformation for Hire" is to cause confusion, chaos, and inaction. This is done in order to achieve a specific goal.
Personal Testimonies From Anonymous Sources
These attacks that were being made weren't just simple attacks to smear or discredit people. They weren't just "internet games" being played out by malicious and unethical people. A few people had some idea what I was looking into. For one, there was the original thread that ended in deep fake porn videos. For another, there were a few Jitsi chats and my regular team of researchers that I was bouncing ideas off of.
So word quietly spread that hinted about what it was that I was looking into. It was at this time that I started getting a few messages... and then a lot of messages. Dozens of messages. These weren't messages of threats or messages trying to persuade me to change my course of action. They were messages from victims and requests for help.
You can believe what you like of this section of the story. I will provide what is already public information as sauce. However you should know, it is against my personal ethics to actively dox anyone. It is also against my personal ethics to paint a target on the backs of people who come seeking help. Therefore, identities will be hidden in order to protect those that need to be protected.
These attacks that were being made against members of the MAGA community had real world consequences. People have been fired from their jobs. People have not only been doxxed themselves. Their family, friends, and children become targets as well, on and off social media. It doesn't really matter if those who are close to their target aren't even online or politically involved. They became the subject of vile abuse. At least, that is what I was being told confidentially by people who didn't want their names known.
There were a few things that all these anonymous sources had in common. They were voices in the movement. They were locally active. They were trying to create grassroots movements.
One individual even wanted me to do a deep dive into them like I did with SGAnon in order to prove their good intentions and combat the lies being spread about them. To that individual, I want to leave a personal note. I hope this substack goes above and beyond your request and that this helps you build a strong image within the MAGA community. You were attacked because you had a vision and action plan to create change. It was never about followers. It was about what you were trying to achieve. I apologize for being distant recently. I was working on this — my attempt to make the chaos all stop and to help you and many more like you.
Author's Note: I need to stop and give a huge H/T to the Telegram channel 4Doors for unknowingly providing the below screenshots for the rest of this section and the section after it. I said this before, not all of this was my research. It wasn't just my story. It was all of our stories. They are playing the instruments. I am just the conductor of the orchestra.
How were these people attacked?
Did Breb try to dox people within this movement?
NOTE: They got the information for that dox wrong.
Do Breb go after Patriot owned family run businesses?
Excerpts (with spelling corrections) from the text messages taken from the screenshot above:
Breb doxxes my business.
That I use to feed myself.
This picture in case you didn't know was put together by Capital Hunters. Literal feds. And Breb reposted it after ripping it off an Antifa page. Full blue anon fed.
I have a job!!! That I worked my ass off to build... and you're going to justify them coming after that?? When I've done what exactly? Like memes on a page that hurts their feelings...
Did Breb turn over the names of person(s) to the FBI who were making fake vaccine cards?
Excerpt from the above screenshot (with punctuation added for clarity):
No. I never sent those text to them. So you are wrong. And I never posted them. Not once. And saying I'm doxxing January 06 patriots. I didn't do that. Once I did call the Tennessee bar on my Maria for selling fake vax cards. That is true. But you were egging me on to do so.
Were patriots names turned over to the FBI by members of Breb for being at the January 6 rally by this group?
Excerpts from the above screenshots:
How many more threats from you?
Come for me everyone finds out you are a fed... Doxxed J6 Patriots
Called the FBI on Maria... And threatened me if I said something
I will note here that as far as I know Graff later had a change of heart or an attack of conscious and has left the Breb group. However, this is hardly the only example that we have as I have already shown and will continue to show. Is there a pattern of behavior coming from certain groups?
The Red Pilled Antifa
You might be asking who Breb is getting their information from and who they are actively working with. Did you think the "Red Pilled Antifa" part of my substack title was a coincidence or chosen as an attention grabber? I was actually being quite literal.
Excerpts from the article listed in the screenshot:
By day, Chad Loder is a super-millionaire tech capitalist and former federal contractor who led the team that designed cyber security software currently used by US government agencies.
By night, he is a self-proclaimed anarcho-communist Twitter troll who helps dox working class Trump supporters and provides “mutual aid” to those on the ground beating them up.
While it may seem like satire, Loder is one of three co-founders of Rapid7, a firm that provides defense technology to numerous governments and bankers around the world.
Loder, who operates openly under his own name, is no casual liberal. An analysis of his social media and twitter feed shows deep engagement with the communist and anarchist movements behind “Antifa.”
Loder’s extremist beliefs, eagerness to hurt people and support for criminal activity don’t seem to reap him any consequences, either on social media or in the business world. Many of Loder’s tweets feature him posting images of anarchists committing acts of violence against right-wingers with words of encouragement and support.
Chad Loder isn't a major part of this particular story (that I know of). His name did come up and so I did do a cursory look into him. What is probably most noteworthy in all of this is the lack of accountability or judicial repercussions towards him and the particular brand of methods he uses to attack people. I have a feeling there may be more to this rabbit hole. It just isn't one that I fully explored.
Why are members of the Breb room repeating so many posts from a known Antifa account named Far-Leftist OSINT Mercenary?
Why is Lala Beamz (an alias), who is also known as Exposing Flynn Networks on Truth Social and Telegram, posting content from Miami Against Fascism, an Antifa Twitter account? Exposing Flynn Networks is a major player in the Breb Room on Telegram. This will be an important name to remember later.
I have a real issue with getting lost in the details of this story. There is a much larger picture going on. Remember, this is about a possible "Disinformation for Hire" campaign, individuals being targeted within the MAGA movement, and the purpose behind these attacks.
Lin Wood And Election Integrity
Lin Wood was a lawyer involved in the 2020 election integrity lawsuits. Here are some articles regarding this.
Lin Wood, a conservative trial lawyer who led a failed legal challenge against the election results in Georgia, said in a lengthy interview that shortly after the 2020 contest last November, he hosted at his massive South Carolina properties fellow right-wing attorney Sidney Powell, former Trump national security advisor Mike Flynn, former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, and Doug Logan, the CEO of cybersecurity firm Cyber Ninjas.
So Lin Wood was central to being part of the election integrity lawsuits since he hosted them, right? Whatever happened to those?
Let's take a look at the people behind the election integrity affidavits.
The Washington Post identified the witness by determining that portions of her affidavit match, sometimes verbatim, a blog post that the pro-Trump podcaster Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman published in November 2019. In an interview, Maras-Lindeman confirmed that she wrote the affidavit and said she viewed it as her contribution to a fight against the theft of the election.
The Washington Post: Sidney Powell’s Secret Intelligence Contractor Witness Is A Pro-Trump Podcaster
One anonymous affiant, for instance, claimed to be “military intelligence from the 305th battalion”—but was merely an IT Consultant from Dallas named Joshua Merritt, who had recently worked for ASOG. Another claimed to be a trained cryptolinguist and cryptographer, among other stellar qualifications. But only about a month after the Kraken lawsuits were filed, the Washington Post exposed her as being neither.
In fact, she was Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman, a one-time North Dakota mayoral candidate and QAnon podcaster who goes by Tore, and hosts a regular show called Tore Says.
She makes her case through a set of abstruse equations, snippets of code, and technical jargon that have clearly been lifted from other cryptographers’ scholarly work without explicitly referencing them. A simple Google search reveals her source: a paper that describes a flaw uncovered in the Swiss government’s new online voting system, Swiss Post, back in 2019.
The Odd Post: How A MAGA Podcaster Misused A Cryptographer’s Work To Push The Big Lie
Does this mean that Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman (aka Tore Says) did not have the credentials she claimed she did? Is this also saying that she plagiarized her affidavit off of someone else's work? Who ran the backgrounds on the people whose affidavits they used in the 2020 lawsuits? What was Lin Wood's role in all this besides playing host?
How do you keep a country after you have stolen its elections? I am sure this is just all coincidence.
A Case Study Of a Single Groyper Tweet
I am going to jump ahead in my timeline here because it is directly linked to some things I have already mentioned. In the course of my digging, I found this research paper and case study. The following are excerpts from that article.
The video was first posted online by a self-identified follower of a network of online white supremacists. It was then re-posted with the inaccurate caption by a recently created Spanish-language citizen news site, TDN_NOTICIAS, dedicated to spreading inflammatory, racist news items. From TDN_NOTICIAS, it was a short journey to Trump’s Twitter feed, where he retweeted it. By working off a variety of platforms—Twitter, Dropbox, and Telegram among them—a group of hateful online provocateurs managed to successfully spread a false news report and gain a coveted signal boost from Trump’s Twitter account.
The mislabeled, repurposed clip that Trump retweeted originated from the account of an individual calling himself “I’m with Groyper”—an indication that he self-identifies as a member of the Groyper Army.
Could the Breb Room have learned how to use the same tactics that "Disinformation for Hire" agencies use to gain traction when spreading disinformation? Who is using who?
Former versions of the site, accessed through the Wayback Machine, host a click bait aggregator. In short, TDN_NOTICIAS appears to be a small network of social media accounts masquerading as a news outlet, whose Twitter feed is used to sow racist, polarizing content. Based on its Twitter page and a DNS history of two URLs associated with the Twitter page, the website appears to have sprung up in October 2019, followed by the Twitter page in November. Typically, such sites aim to get the attention of mainstream political and media figures in order to either make money through link clicks and ads or to sow extreme political propaganda.
The “I’m With Groyper” account, which uses the handle @nicolasvicentmm, originally posted the video in a thread of videos depicting Black individuals attacking white people. The user behind the account claimed the video was part of a larger Dropbox repository of similar content.
Despite the deletion of the account, Nicholas Fuentes, the leader of the white supremacist group in question, has immortalized the thread in a series of screenshots.
Did that say Nicholas Fuentes?
TDN_NOTICIAS demonstrates how easy it is to will a seemingly legitimate news source into existence across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and a WordPress site, without having any actual content or journalists. TDN_NOTICIAS and “independent news sites” like it around the world may not hold up to serious scrutiny, but to achieve their goals of influence and profitability, they just need to pass a cursory inspection that gets them retweeted.
While Twitter can attempt to curb disinformation within its walled garden, groups like Fuentes’s Groypers are actively coordinating outside of the major platforms to share, create, and plan the spreading of content.
Oh! There is Nicholas Fuentes' name again.
Of the three Twitter accounts involved, TD_NOTICIAS, “I’m With Groyper,” and @realDonaldTrump, “I’m With Groyper” is the only one to be permanently suspended—which is ironic.
Have we seen this very same playbook explained in Part 1 of this substack? Between the Tucker Carlson attack, the J6 allegations, and this tweet about Antifa, is there a pattern emerging of information being falsely fed to news outlets and other political figures or people of influence? Could the "I'm With Groyer" twitter account have been a useful idiot, an avatar, or a cyborg, which is a blending of a human and AI?
Kanye West and a Threat Made Against Trump?
In Part 1 of this substack series, I brought up a Tweet made by Kanye West on November 3, 2022.
"Second option, I have you institutionalized again where they medicate the crap out of you, and you go back to Zombieland forever. Play date with the kids just won't be the same."
Fast forward a few weeks later to November 22, 2022. Kanye West made an unexpected visit to Mar-a-Lago with three of his friends — President Trump's 2016 campaign advisor Karen Giorno, an unidentified parent of a student from his school in California, and Nicholas Fuentes. They showed up unannounced at Mar-a-Lago and had dinner with President Trump.
Was this a setup and ambush against President Trump? Comments from Milo Yiannopoulos, a former Breitbart editor, seems to suggest so.
Yiannopoulos.. told NBC News that he was “the architect” of the plan to have Fuentes travel with Ye in the hopes of slipping him into the dinner with Trump. The intent, according to Yiannopoulos, was for Fuentes to give Trump an unvarnished view of how a portion of his base views his candidacy.
“I also wanted to send a message to Trump that he has systematically repeatedly neglected, ignored, abused the people who love him the most, the people who put him in office, and that kind of behavior comes back to bite you in the end,” he added.
And, Yiannopoulos said, he arranged the dinner “just to make Trump’s life miserable” because news of the dinner would leak and Trump would mishandle it.
Fuentes echoed the sentiment: “I hate to say it, but the chickens are coming home to roost. You know, this is the frustration with his base and with his true loyalists.”
NBC News: The inside story of Trump’s explosive dinner with Ye and Nick Fuentes
Wait Nick (Nicholas) Fuentes... Didn't we hear that name before?
For those that don't know, Nicholas Fuentes has something of a reputation (especially in the MSM). Predictably, the political left and MSM took the opportunity to smear President Trump once again because of this.
But it wasn't just the political left who had something to say about it.
The dinner meeting sent shockwaves through the GOP political establishment, with Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence demanding that he apologize.
On Tuesday, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters, “There is no room in the Republican Party for anti-Semitism or white supremacy,” and “anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States.”
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy echoed McConnell’s remarks, saying, “I don’t think anyone should have a meeting with Nick Fuentes, and his views are nowhere within the Republican Party and within this country itself.”
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu blasted Trump’s dinner as “absolutely reprehensible” and argued that it made him “less electable” in 2024.
New York Post: Trump Fumes That Kanye ‘Tried To F–K’ Him Over With Nick Fuentes Dinner
“Trump was totally blindsided,” the source said of Fuentes’ presence. “It was a setup.”
NBC News: The Inside Story Of Trump’s Explosive Dinner With Ye And Nick Fuentes
What was President Trump's reaction?
Trump fumed afterward that Ye had betrayed him by ambushing him. “He tried to f--- me. He’s crazy. He can’t beat me,” Trump said, according to one confidant, who then relayed the conversation to NBC News on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.
NBC News: The Inside Story Of Trump’s Explosive Dinner With Ye And Nick Fuentes
That seems like a very strong reaction to just having dinner. Is there something else happening here?
On a separate and totally unrelated note... In October, 2022 it was announced that Kanye was purchasing the social media platform Parler.
CNN: Kanye West To Acquire Conservative Social Media Platform Parler
Wait... So we have information being fed to the news, people buying social media, and a group of Groypers attacking seemingly random people who they don't like? Is there a bigger picture going on here?
Are you confused yet? Don't worry. So was I. I still had no idea exactly what it was I stumbled onto. But I kept digging into this. A pattern started to emerge.
Who Is This Nick (Nicholas) Fuentes?
Where to begin? Nicholas Fuentes is a 24 year old streamer on (collaborated with Alex Jones). His co-host is Tess Owens, the self stylized kingpin of the ultranationalist youth movement. He has been banned from Twitter, Twitch, Reddit, PayPal, Venmo, Patreon, Shopify, Stripe, Streamlabs, Coinbase, Facebook, Instagram, Gettr, DLive, and probably somewhere else I am forgetting. He has active social media accounts on Truth Social, Rumble, and Telegram. He had a show on Right Side Broadcasting News until they kicked him off. He is Catholic. He is also head of the Groyper Army.
Did I hear the name Groyper before?
His political activism includes:
Holding the annual America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC)
Attended the Unite the Right rally in 2017 in Charlottesville
Spoke at the American Renaissance conference in 2018
Has attended many Turning Point USA events
He also was at January 6. A lot of people were. However...
It’s unclear to what degree the attack on the Capitol was planned in advance. ProPublica reports that in the weeks leading up, many Trump supporters discussed turning the event violent on Parler, a rightwing social media app now banned by most major tech platforms. However, we now have evidence that many alt-right groups and personalities, including Fuentes, received large Bitcoin donations in a single transaction that occurred a month before the riot on December 8. We have also gathered evidence that strongly suggests the donor was a now-deceased computer programmer based in France.
On December 8, 2020, a donor sent 28.15 BTC — worth approximately $522,000 at the time of transfer — to 22 separate addresses in a single transaction. Many of those addresses belong to far-right activists and internet personalities.
Nick Fuentes received 13.5 BTC — worth approximately $250,000 at the time of the transfer — making him by far the biggest beneficiary of the donation.
The December 8 donation of over $250,000 worth of Bitcoin is by far the largest cryptocurrency donation Fuentes has ever received. Previously, the most he had ever received in a single month was $2,707 worth of Bitcoin.
Ummm... hello. Did that say that Nick Fuentes was paid $250,000 in cryptocurrency right before January 6th? I am sure that is just a coincidence... or maybe just a nice gesture from an appreciative fan who happened to commit suicide right after.
Nick Fuentes and Patrick Casey, leaders of the "America First" or "Groyper" movement, urged others to come to the Capitol on the day Congress was counting the Electoral College votes, and cheered on rioters.
Fuentes, who first gained national attention while attending the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, led "Stop the Steal" rallies in various states after the 2020 election, and told rally goers in Michigan in November 2020 that they should be "more feral" in their efforts to overturn the results.
NBC News: Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Two Far Right Activists
Wait... Stop The Steal rallies? Where did I hear that before?
What are the chances that Nick Fuentes would be associated with the man who bought Parlor and also went to dinner with Donald Trump as a plot to discredit him which was planned by Milo Yinappolis? What are the chances of him receiving such a large donation a month before January 6 and then appearing next to a known Antifa member? What would be the chances of Parler being used to organize what happened on J6?
Are these the only patterns?
…Last night, under the direction of Nicholas Fuentes, Patrick Casey and a slew of other dissident right activists, Groypers descended upon Charlie Kirk and TPUSA with an onslaught of questions intended to challenge, intimidate and ultimately reveal the liberal nature of their recipients. “How is anal sex a conservative value?” one Groyper asked. Another Groyper commended Israelis on their “dance moves” and implored the cheering crowd to “Google dancing Israelis” (Disclaimer: DO NOT GOOGLE DANCING ISRAELIS)
Nick Fuentes is a radio host who is famous for bashing Jews and attending the Charlottesville riots.
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro was accosted by Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes on Friday as he was walking with his pregnant wife and young children to a conservative convention in West Palm Beach, Florida.
In a video shared on Twitter by journalist Andy Ngo, Shapiro, 35, is seen crossing a street with his family as they were heading to TPUSA's Student Action Summit where he is scheduled to deliver remarks along with other conservative leaders, including President Donald Trump, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck.
A group of alt-right white nationalists have been involved in a coordinated effort to hijack Q&As with conservative speakers on college campuses. This effort is being spearheaded by one particular white nationalist, Nick Fuentes, who took special exception to me a few months ago after I insulted the El Paso mass shooter. In response to this blasphemy against a murderer, Fuentes called me a “race traitor” who “works for Jews.” I responded to his attack with the seriousness that such an attack warrants (so, not very much), and that assured that my talk at CSULA on Tuesday night would be targeted.
I mentioned that Fuentes was Catholic before. His political ideology includes an autocratic government and Catholicism as a national religion. That doesn't necessarily sound very Patriotic, conservative, or right-wing to me. Does it to you?
Somewhere around this time I realized I was slightly misguided in my dig. It was right in front of my face. I kept commenting on it to others. It was so obvious. I needed to start looking at patterns of behavior instead of trying to connect individuals. The individual connections didn't matter. They would be there if I could identify the patterns of behavior. It was what they were doing and how they were behaving that became important.
This was the revelation that slammed the doors wide open on the entirety of this substack and really opened my eyes to what was going on. This is when I finally started to understand what was actually going on and became the basis for everything that I am writing about in this series.
I have written about Stasi tactics, undercover spy rings, and intelligence operatives before in past posts. I have written and researched the psychology behind such manipulations. What should have been so clear to me was hidden from my eyes. Anyone who knows me knows I love reading and researching about these subjects. How could this pass right before my nose and it not be obvious that this was going on? I couldn't believe I was so blinded by the op that I couldn't see it for what it actually was.
Would the average person recognize a PSYOP or PSYACT if they were specifically targeted by it?
I was a targeted individual (albeit not as much of a target as some… that might change) and I didn't recognize the PSYOP.
There was another realization that went along with it. Some of the information I have been dropping in here I have had for well over a year. I just never connected the dots.
Everything started falling into place... like pieces of a puzzle. I could see the forest and the trees.
Nick Fuentes: #FedFuentes
Do you remember when I said the following?
There are names and groups of people who appear in this substack. This in no way insinuates their involvement, their innocence, or their guilt.
Disassociate from the Far-Right
Key Messaging Points:
Nick Fuentes has all the signs of being a federal asset/controlled opposition
Video shows Nick Fuentes ordering his supporters to “break down the barriers and disregard the police” but he gets in no trouble by the feds while people like Brandon Straka and others were raided by FBI and felony charges
Nick Fuentes left the people he gave orders to at J6 out to dry. Dozens of young people’s lives were destroyed and he called them “losers.”
The DOJ gave Fuentes his money back after they froze his accounts. That rarely happens.
Why did the feds do this and why has he never disclosed this to his followers while using this as a marketing tactic to deceive his supporters to give him more money?
Nick Fuentes was put on a “No Fly List” not because of a political prosecution, but because he threatened to strangle a flight attendant.
The lack of action taken by the DOJ reeks of suspicion
Campaign Execution:
MAKE SURE ALL Accounts are authenticated through Keyhole (IG + Twitter) - this will eliminate any later reporting.
USE this story in some Tweets: the #FedFuentes (in ALL posts, IG/Twitter)
TAG media outlets, hosts, journalists (Fox News, Newsmax, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingrham, etc)
Reference instructions sent over by Influenceable team member on individualized deliverables.
Be Prepared, more stories & talking points will be sent throughout the campaign.
![Twitter avatar for @CraetonV2](
We can't judge others based on the knowledge we gain from the illusion. We have to pull the illusion away first to find the reality.
When we start peeling back the layers to this, we are going to find that the people responsible aren't the ones in the forefront who have big names. They are second tier leaders with enough clout to command respect. But they don't appear as if they are the ones giving directions and pulling the trigger. This is all planned.
At this point I am going to pause in my story. This may be a good place to transition into the next part.
Part 3: Agents of Chaos and The Red Pilled Antifa Coming Soon! You didn’t think this was everything I had, did you?
By the way, since Part 2 ended up being too long, I might have told a slight falsehood. This won't be a 4 part series but a 5 part series. I wasn't lying when I said that this story was a monster.
Damn Dove! Hit it out of the park again! Glad their are researchers willing to put in the time you do!
Wow Dove!!!! It's all coming out now.
Dark to Light!!!