Exposing SGAnon
By ElizabethThePunisherDove and PunishDem1776 with additional information from Jordan Sather
Who Is SGAnon?
In September 2022, an unknown account appeared on Truth Social by the name of SGAnon. In the time between his first post on September 8, 2022 and January 3, 2023 and without having any previous social media presence, SGAnon has amassed 95,000 followers. That is 95,000 followers in 117 days, or to put it in perspective, 811 followers per day.
In its description, we see a list to a Rumble channel by the name QNewsPatriot which was created shortly before. This Rumble channel first started posting videos on August 20, 2022 before the Truth Social account was even created. To date, SGAnon has amassed over 111,000 followers to his rumble channel in 136 days, or 816 followers per day.
That seems like pretty steady and consistent growth of approximately 811-816 followers per day to both his Truth Social account and Rumble channel.
What is curious is between by August 24, 2022, just 4 days after its creation, this Rumble channel had thousands of views. We see a sharp uptick in views and rumbles between its first creation, which numbers tens of thousands of views and hundreds of rumbles to hundreds of thousands of views and thousands of rumbles.
Any new content creator (or even established ones) will explain how difficult it is to create this kind of viewership in such a short time... especially without any online presence prior to September 2022. One might even say that this is miraculous indeed.
To understand this phenomenon, let's take a closer look at the personality who goes by the name SGAnon and the claims he has made. Let's take a look at his content first.
RealRawNews 75% or More Accurate Than MSM
RealRawNews is owned by an individual named Michael Tuffin under the pseudonym Michael Baxter. If you look on their About Us page, you will see this disclaimer. "Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel" (RealRawNews - About Us).
Jordan Sather created an excellent video called RealRawNews: The Truth Behind This Clickbait Blog which goes into depth exposing RealRawNews. In it, he shows Michael Baxter's GoFundMe account which raised $10,000 to create RealRawNews, his ties to Twisted Truth, and SomeonesBones prior to that.
In an email response from Twisted Truth to leftist fact checker NewsGuard, Michael Baxter states that "it's a satire site, exposing the insanity of rabid Trumpists (who lack the mental wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction)." how he admitted that he writes disinformation pieces for this blog "just to see what stupid stuff Trump supporters will believe."
SGAnon quoted RealRawNews as being 75% or more accurate than all the mainstream media news outlets and has connections to the military.
Click here to listen to the audio excerpt on Rumble.
Q: There has been a lot of different opinions on RealRawNews. Can you comment on that? Is that information and disinformation? What is your take on the website RealRawNews?
SGAnon: My understanding on Michael Baxter does a very good job vetting a majority of his information 75% or more and my understanding is that he does have some sort of ancillary connected source to the JAG operations that go on in the United States military perhaps a personal friend or former roommate. Something along those lines. I don't believe every single thing published on RealRawNews is 100% accurate. But I honestly believe that that sort of mantle doesn't fall to anyone. We have had information so effectively controlled over the last... well... our entire lives... the entire history of almost this country and certainly of the world. It is very difficult to know what is truly true, if you will. But I believe predominately Michael Baxter's reporting is good.
SGAnon states that "it is my understanding." What does that mean?
There will be more on this and why credible sources are important later.
Sources and Further Reading:
Real Raw News: The TRUTH Behind This Clickbait Blog (Video by Jordan Sather)
Note: I understand some of the following are leftist fact checkers. However, the information they provide is important and uncharacteristically in-depth. It also becomes important when we discuss how we as a movement look to outsiders. Our image, whether you believe it or not or care or not, is important. As always, take the meat and leave the bones.
If you want to watch the full interview of the clip I inserted above, here is the link to the video posted on Rumble by Patriots Base on November 16, 2022. The clip was taken around the 00:14:40 minute mark.
SGAnon & Truthstream: Trump Announcement Is Juuuge!
Hillary Clinton Was Executed in 2018
Click here to listen to the following audio excerpt on Rumble.
SGAnon: Hillary Clinton is dead. Hillary Clinton died at 9:05 pm on December the 31st of 2018 at Guantanamo Bay's Camp Delta Execution Chamber. 45 [meaning President Trump] witnessed that execution. My understanding is that that execution was grim and she went out like a coward. So understanding that a high ranking member of the Cabal like that can be given military justice and then the narrative controlled to the level that it has been for the last 4 years. These individuals who are connected in an ancillary fashion, those who have not capitulated to assist us in some way are absolutely not going to violate the power that we have managed to have shown them. Show of force is a part of military law.
According to SGAnon, the source material came from RealRawNews from an article published on April 26, 2021. It stated that Hillary Clinton was executed at Guantanamo Bay.
Just in case you were wondering, here is an interview Hillary Clinton gave CNN on December 21, 2022 regarding Zelensky's speech.
She gives a great interview considering she has been a corpse for 3 years... and despite the fact that she is Hillary Clinton.
RealRawNews also reports that Hilary Clinton went on a hunger strike on March 11, 2021.
Furthermore, RealRawNews also stated that Loretta Lynch and Anthony Fauci were executed on April 25, 2022. They stated Nancy Pelosi was hanged on December 27, 2022. And so on.
Sources and Further Reading:
If you want to watch the full interview of the clip I inserted above, here is the link to the video posted on Rumble by Patriots Base on November 16, 2022. The clip was taken around the 00:05:24 minute mark.
SGAnon & Truthstream: Trump Announcement Is Juuuge!
Nancy Pelosi Arrested
Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, SGAnon claimed over a month ago that Nancy Pelosi was arrested while leaving her house.
It is important to note that he wasn’t the only one to make this claim.
The picture he used was also used by the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail article captioned that picture with "Pelosi is pictured above leaving her San Francisco home on Sunday as her husband recovers in the ICU from a skull fracture."
Sources and Further Reading:
ClickBaitExpose Telegram Channel post regarding this.
Military Busses At the White House Were Part of a Major Op to Round Up Traitors
SGAnon claimed that military busses were at the White House and were being purposed for a mass arrest of traitors to the US government.
Click here to listen to the following audio excerpt on Rumble.
SGAnon: We've all seen the pictures and the videos highlighted from the National Guard buses in front of the White House here in the US. It is my understanding that those buses were large scale prisoner transports. It is my understanding that those buses... Excuse me. That those prisoners are being relocated for the next phase of tribunals that many of them have to face. Remember, we have several individuals who will see several military tribunals before justice is enacted upon them simply because of the gravity of their crimes.
This narrative is repeated by Phil Godlewski.
It is important to also note that it parroted by David Nino Rodriguez and Nicholas Veniamin. (I will get into this later.)
The reality is that these busses were there during Veteran's Day on Friday November 11, 2022. They were used for transporting military veterans to a breakfast at the White House which was hosted by Jill Biden.
Sources and Further Reading:
ClickBaitExpose Truth Social post ragarding this.
ClickBaitExpose Telegram post regarding this.
Miltary.com - First Lady Hosts Veterans Day Breakfast, Supports Caregivers
Newsmax - First Lady Hosts Veterans Day Breakfast, Supports Caregivers
If you want to watch the full interview of the clip I inserted above, here is the link to the video posted on Rumble by QNewsPatriot (SGAnon) on November 11, 2022. The clip was taken around the 00:16:50 minute mark.
General Orders to US Mil Commanders | Infiltration Highlighted in all Areas | Trust the Plan
2023 Tribunal Summit
SGAnon didn't just stop there. He doubled down and made huge claims that there will be a tribunal summit come mid-2023 on display for the world to see.
The following clip is packed with a lot of assertions and claims. Listen to the entirety of it. I am going to reference it several times.
Click here to listen to the following audio excerpt on Rumble.
SGAnon: More to that excitement, I have some information that I would like to relay to each of you. The United States Marine Corp has been activated and authorized to begin the apprehension of traitors in the military. Individuals identified as possible combatants will be detained, interrogated, and if necessary military justice will be administered to them. That process has begun on the Eastern seaboard of the United States, on the very southwest coast of the United States, Southern California area, and in other areas. Additionally and sort of tying right along to that tribunals within the White House in Washington, DC has been primarily concluded. Individuals given tribunals and who have not been put to death within the White House are being transferred to other locations for either additional interrogation or participation in tribunals of even greater magnitude.
Based off of what exactly? Where is this information coming from?
If you keep listening to the track, you can heard SGAnon continues. (This is shortly after the 03:00 minute mark in my video clip.)
SGAnon: Nonmilitary enemy combatants indentified as terrorists are also being hunted down and saved for large scale military tribunals which will be public to the world.
If you skip ahead to the 05:50 mark in the above video clip, you can hear when SGAnon's predicted dates or timeline.
SGAnon: How long? I don't know. I truly wish that I did. But there are several extremely symbolically important dates in the very near future. 11/22. 12/7. 12/10. 12/12. January 20th. March 1st. March 4th. What does the timetable hold? What will we see? Those details are yet to be made public. But we have a very good idea. Don't we, Patriots. We know what's coming.
Did you notice that he gave himself just enough of an out so that when these dates come and go without anything happening he can make an excuse for it not happening?
If you go to the 06:30 minute mark in the above video clip, SGAnon offers up his disclaimer along with a dash of hope.
SGAnon: These people are idiots and these people are doomed. I am here to tell you that we are in great hands. And that I hope each and every one of you can go through the rest of your week knowing that misdirection, deception, and disinformation is a necessary part of winning a conflict that is going to save not only our generation and the generations currently surrounding each of us as we go through this life on this world but it will provide a safe and harbored future for our progeny for hundreds and potentially thousands of years to come.
I still wonder where SGAnon is getting his information from. Could it be from RealRawNews? (Notice the GiveSendGo link embedded into the following RealRawNews article. No. Please don't donate to them. Give it to a worthy cause instead.)
Sources and Further Reading:
RealRawNews: Upcoming Military Tribunals
If you want to watch the full interview of the clip I inserted above, here is the link to the video posted on Rumble by QNewsPatriot (SGAnon) on November 17, 2022. The clip was taken around the 00:40:34 minute mark.
SGAnon 11/17 US Marine Corps Apprehending Traitors | USNG Deployed | Trump Speech Misdirection
White House Used As A Prison And Execution Chamber
SGAnon asserted that the White House was being used as a prison and an execution center/chamber for government traitors.
In the above clip under the heading 2023 Tribunal Summit, you hear SGAnon say "Individuals given tribunals and who have not been put to death within the White House."
Author's Note: Am I reading this right? Did he really suggest that the White House was akin to Folsom Prison? I can't even believe I am typing this.
He also made the same statements on Truth Social.
Apparently, several times.
Here is a link to that video SGAnon posted which was posted to his Rumble channel on October 5, 2022.
White House Used for Almost 2 Years as Military Prison | Many Have been Executed for Treason
The Brazilian Government Was Suspended
SGAnon posted a document on Truth Social which stated that the Brazilian government was suspended due to the 2022 election.
The document he provided, when you reverse image search it, comes from an image which was created on March 24, 2019.
How could a document from 2019 predict that the Brazilian government would be suspended 3 years later?
2022 Midterm Elections Cancelled
SGAnon specifically claimed that there would not be a 2022 midterm vote.
Click here to listen to the following audio excerpt on Rumble.
SGAnon: But what I was... [Sounds like the audio was spliced here.] The information I was given today, October 7, 2022, is that the Supreme Court of the United States has cancelled the November Midterm Election. Those elections will not happen. I was also told that the cancellation will be publically given over to the issue of states' rights and that it will concern the fact that it was the people who were wronged not just the 45th President of the United States.
Where did SGAnon get this information? Did he provide any source or material to back up his claim?
The following excerpt is taken from the 03:08 minute mark of the linked video.
SGAnon: My understanding at this point in time is that because of the conduct of the 2020 election the Supreme Court of the United States has declared that it is vitiated and that we have to redo that election. That's what I am told. I'm told that that decision has already been made. I'm told that from now until that point, we will see what happens. I am extremely optimistic regardless of that information just based on the coms that we can absolutely see right in front of our face. We have the 45th President of the United States telling us that the military is essentially the only way.
Author's Note: I don't know about you but I voted in the 2022 midterm elections. Did you?
Sources and Further Reading:
If you want to watch the full interview of the clip I inserted above, here is the link to the video posted on Rumble by QNewsPatriot (SGAnon) on October 7, 2022. The clip was taken around the 00:23:00 minute mark.
Supreme Court Cancels USA Midterm Elections | 45 & Scavino Pointing us to US Military Domestic Ops
The JFK, Jr. Assassination
SGAnon claims JFK, Jr. is alive. Now this is one area where it gets a little fuzzy. If you follow conspiracy theories, there is enough evidence to suggest that JFK, Jr. could have survived. The circumstances around his death are questionable to say the least. Does this mean he is? No. It just means that there is reasonable doubt surrounding his death.
It doesn't matter what side of the fence you are on this issue. We need to deal in facts. Not theory. Without hard evidence of JFK, Jr. being alive (such as a person stepping forward with the proper identification or DNA test results to show relationship to JFK and the Kennedy family), no one can say for certain one way or another.
As a movement, we need to deal strictly in what we can prove and back up with fact. Not fiction and not reasonable doubt.
The following transcript comes from the 13:50 mark from the video embedded in the following article. The voice speaking is that of SGAnon.
BeforeItsNews: SG Anon Breaking Some Pretty Alarming Info! Thanks Juan O Savin, Gene Decode & Clif High! - Must Video
SGAnon: My understanding that JFK, Jr. is but JFK, Sr. was not. Junior understood that he was being targeted by the Clinton cabal in New York state in the late 1990's that was going to be an avenue to get Hillary Clinton into the levers of government and power. He knew he was a threat to the establishment. It is my understanding that they were aware that an attempt was going to be made. He was guided by the United States Air Force to not go on that particular aircraft and was taken into military witness protection to essentially work in the background and assist in the takedown of this worldwide cabal.
In short, there is no evidence to prove that the United States Air Force knew that an attempt on JFK, Jr.'s life would happen. Furthermore, there is no evidence that he was taken into a military witness protection program or that he is still alive.
Robin Williams Is Still Alive?
Keeping on the theme of ridiculous claims, if you keep watching the video from the article in the above section SGAnon said that Robin Williams is still alive.
The following transcript comes from the 14:05 mark from the video embedded in the following article. The voice speaking is that of SGAnon.
BeforeItsNews: SG Anon Breaking Some Pretty Alarming Info! Thanks Juan O Savin, Gene Decode & Clif High! - Must Video
SGAnon: My understanding when we arrive at the point of individuals who we believe to be dead who are not, Robin Williams is on that list by the way.
Why Robin Williams?
PunishDem1776 specifically asked whether Robin Williams was still alive. SGAnon replied with yes. He didn't back up his answer with any sources or other material.
Are There Other SGAnon Social Media Platforms?
SGAnon disavows having a presence on other social media platforms. But I decided to take a look and see if there might be other channels, perhaps created before he became a name on Truth Social and Rumble. Here is what I have found.
This is his first post on September 8, 2022 on Truth Social.
Here are all the channels I found on Telegram using his name.
Author’s Note: I am going to post these channels in the order they were created and not in the order you see them in the above image. Also, the time since first post is from that date to my target publication date — January 3, 2023. It is important to note that custom channel names and link names (@ names) can be made for public channels. All of these channels listed are public as of the date of this post.
Link to Telegram Channel: SGAnonQ_Real
Channel Created: February 8, 2021
First Post: February 19, 2021
Number of Followers: 5,054
Time Since First Post: 683 days
Note: This channel was created 566 days before SGAnon's first post on Truth Social and started posting SGAnon content on December 22, 2022.
Link to Telegram Channel: TheRealSGanon
Channel Created: February 3, 2022
First Post: October 29, 2022
Number of Followers: 4,037
Time Since First Post: 66 days
Note: This channel was created 217 days before SGAnon's first post on Truth Social and 198 days before the first rumble video. Unless the channel was scrubbed of all posts, it started posting content much later. That is curious. There were also posts regarding the SGAnon Truth Social account.
Link to Telegram Channel: Real_SGAnon
Channel Created: August 14, 2022
First Post: September 30, 2022
Number of Followers: 4,806
Time Since First Post: 95 days
Note: This channel was created 25 days before SGAnon's first post on Truth Social and a full 6 days before the first rumble video. It made its first post on which included a link to itself. It had an image change on October 23, 2022 and was posting SGAnon content 3 days later on October 26, 2022. The picture was that of some unknown gentleman. Running the image through Tineye resulted in no matches. (I will not post the picture here due to accidentally targeting an innocent individual.)
Link to Telegram Channel: SGAnonTelegram
Channel Created: September 21, 2022
First Post: November 8, 2022
Number of Followers: 24,604
Time Since First Post: 104 days
Link to Telegram Channel: QNewsPatriott
Channel Created: October 5, 2022
First Post: October 6, 2022
Number of Followers: 4,292
Time Since First Post: 89 days
Link to Telegram Channel: SGAnonRealQ
Channel Created: November 7, 2022
First Post: December 5, 2022
Number of Followers: 12,903
Time Since First Post: 29 days
Link to Telegram Channel: SGAnon_Official
Channel Created: November 14, 2022
First Post: November 20, 2022
Number of Followers: 3,212
Time Since First Post: 44 days
Link to Telegram Channel: QNEWSPATRlOT
Channel Created: November 15, 2022
First Post: November 15, 2022
Number of Followers: 30,268
Time Since First Post: 49 days
Link to Telegram Channel: https://t.me/SGAnonQ
Channel Created: November 16, 2022
First Post: November 16, 2022
Number of Followers: 518
Time Since First Post: 48 days
Link to Telegram Channel: T_SGanon
Channel Created: November 23, 2022
First Post: November 23, 2022
Number of Followers: 38
Time Since First Post: 41 days
SGAnon's Twitter Account
SGAnon actually posted about this on Truth Social. I am sure that this doesn't count since it is from a suspended account.
How Is SGAnon Connected To Phil Godlewski?
At one time, SGAnon was following Phil Godlewski until he was called out for it. Thankfully, this quick thinking anon got a screen shot of it.
I am not promoting the SGAnon is Phil Godlewski narrative. However, I will say that SGAnon has mentioned on many occasions that he has an unnamed mentor. Speaking from personal experience, when you have a mentor, they help you with your posts, your wording, how you sound, what you say, etc in order for you to learn what is the best way to get your message across. My mentor is PunishDem1776 on Truth Social. I sometimes write posts (with and without his direct help and influence now) which has the same tone as him. It is because we have spent hours on the phone tweaking what I want to post. Creating posts that sound like Pun is just a byproduct of studying Pun.
Now, of course, I will never sound like Pun in a voice chat but that is due to biological differences.
So when someone points out that SGAnon sounds like Phil Godlewski, I have to wonder if this isn't because SGAnon wasn't coached and mentored by Phil Godlewski.
This isn't hard fact. Just my experience. There is definitely a connection beyond this between the two.
Of course, if I were connected to Phil Godlewski, I wouldn't be so quick to advertise it either.
Erik Rinehold's Opinion On Phil Godlewski
Link on Truth Social to the above post.
Joseph Flynn's Opinion of Phil Godlewski
Link on Truth Social to the above post.
General Flynn's Opinion of Phil Godlewski
Oh dear. General Flynn called Phil Godlewski out as a fraud too.
The Network
Do you follow, support, or endorse anything that SGAnon and/or Phil Godlewski endorses?
Link to the above post on Truth Social.
SGAnon doesn't follow Phil Godlewski anymore. However, he is still in the same "Network" as Phil Godlewski. This network involves the following names (and probably a few that I am missing):
Charlie Ward
David Nino Rodriguez
David Wilcock
David Zublick
Dinar Chronicles
Dr. Michael Salla
Journey To Truth aka Jason Shurka
Juan O Savin aka Wyane Willot
Judy Byington
Kerry Cassidy
Mel Carmine
Michael Jaco
Mike Bara
Nancy Drew
Nicholas Veniamin
Patriot Streetfighter aka Scott McKay
Phil Godlewski
Project Camelot
Richard Citizen Journalist
Q The Storm Rider
Simon Parks
Tarot By Janine
This group of people repost each other. They quote all the same people and players. They share all the same RealRawNews stories. They go on interviews on each other's channels.
They also promote the same marketing schemes such as 7k Metals, Meticore, Oculum Labs, crypto currency pump and dumps, the Seychelles water filter scam, and so on.
Their content consists of med beds, fake whistleblowers (who have no credentials), the quantum financial system (QFS), NESARA/GESARA, med beds, information from confidential informants, insider information, Wikileak file dumps (which consists of the original Wikileak file dumps but is passed off as new information or information that cannot be confirmed as real), and so on. None of the information they provide is backed up with any fact or proof.
Financial Incentive
Link to the above post on Truth Social.
Has SGAnon ever endorsed or promoted any kind of ad revenue such as Trump Ticket, 7k Metals, crypto currency, etc? Does he make any profit off his content? If so, what does he use this revenue for?
Link to the above post on Truth Social.
Does he understand the ethical and moral conflicts of generating revenue from this kind of income?
Perhaps he does. SGAnon took his association out of his profile to 7k Metals after he was called out for it. And people took notice.
Link to this post on Truth Social.
He took out the following text from all of his Rumble videos.
But the damage is already done. Real people get hurt from these schemes.
And then scenarios like this starts making the news.
Mashable: QAnon Influencers Are Now Reportedly Defrauding Their Followers Via Cryptocurrency Scams
Quote regarding a scam involving Whiplash347:
“My brother destroyed his life over this shit. Destroyed his business and lost everyone. He ultimately drove himself so far into debt, that eventually he killed himself,” James said.
Vice: Inside the QAnon Crypto Scam That Cost People Millions and One Man His Life
Logically: QAnon Crypto Trading Scheme Lost Investors Millions
21: Coinspiracy: How QAnon Influencers Conned Their Followers with Crypto (w/ Ernie Piper & Nick Backovic of Logically.ai)
Sources and Further Reading:
CBOTW! - PERFECT Clickbait Example, Tarot by Scamnine, Journey to Oof, Dustin Nemos, MLMs Galore!
CBOTW! - All The Usual Suspects (Godlewski, Ward, Jaco, Parkes, McKay) + Crypto Scams & Fake Mcafee
How Do These Accounts Amass So Many Followers?
It would seem I am not the only one asking questions. Other people on truth have made the same statements regarding the growth of certain accounts.
Link to the above post on Truth Social.
There is a market for that on Telegram.
A sample search result for "Buy Telegram Members."
There doesn't seem to be any results for "Buy Truth Social Followers" but we've all seen the bots. You can however buy views on Rumble.
The Psychology Behind It
The psychology behind the network of people all pushing, posting, reposting, and verifying each other is to give one another legitimacy. The same thing with buying followers, likes, views, and so forth. Our brains are hardwired to look for groups and social context clues which tell us whether or not something is okay or not. If you are viewing a video with 100k plus views, then oftentimes we will convince ourselves that there is some truth to it.
Same with repetitive comments of acceptance. We saw this tactic being used with Covid and the vaccine on Twitter. Does anyone remember this?
Peer pressure. Groupthink. Asch's conformity experiment. Social influence.
All these things point to one uncomfortable truth. People are more likely to go along with an idea if they believe it is the social normal... even when they know that the idea may be wrong.
This is such a strong influence in human psychology that people can and conform to decisions which are extreme or even unrealistic, such as taking an untested vaccine or yelling at someone in a store who is not wearing a mask.
A Deep Impact On This Movement
Transparency in this movement is very important. So is integrity and honesty. Without these, our movement falls apart. So when behavior as shown in the following videos is displayed on the news, the damage to our movement can be devastating.

"I’ve heard a lot of 'theories' about what happened in 2020 but 'Space Force has the evidence to implement martial law and overturn the election' is a new one to me."
"Woman at Trump rally explains why she believes Princess Diana and Jackie O are still alive."
Who does not think that such behavior and baseless accusations aren't weaponized against?
Sources and Further Reading:
ClickBaitExpose on Telegram was the source to both of the above posts. Here are links.
Hat Tips
I could not have made this article without the help from many people. Whether they realized their collaborative effort or not, I used their comments and research to pull this all together. I definitely try to give credit where it was due. So, in no particular order of importance, I would like to thank the following accounts from Truth Social:
I need to also point at a special person. You probably never heard of her. However, she helps me find and source material. She is a very good friend. If you need information, she can find it... if she knows what you are looking for.
Furthermore, I need to thank Jordan Sather. I don't really know you but you offered your information and help in this project. If you haven't checked out his Telegram channel TheClickBaitExpose or (I am assuming) his Truth Social account under the same name which helps expose these frauds, you are missing out. His videos, posts, and information expose so much more than my article does.
And last but certainly not least, I need to thank my mentor, big brother, and friend Punisher (PunishDem1776) for pushing me to do this dive. He provided his notes and outline. I ran with it. He has been a driving force in my life who keeps pushing me on to bigger and better things, to do and be better, and to keep pushing my abilities. Hugs Pun.
Keep digging Anons!
Last Minute Update
This was posted a few days ago by SGAnon. He deleted it today when the Brunson case ruling came out. Needless to say it did not go as he had predicted.
Thank you Fletch17 for calling this out.
Nice dig and exposure. Friends in the movement have been taken by these false narratives. When I ask for proof I’m told that some day I will see. That was after a year of “about two more weeks!” Nicely done. Thanks!
Clearly an extensive dig with sauce backing your claims, well done and I wanted to say so even though I read the sub stack a while back. Where We Go One We Go All is much more than a catch phrase to the anons that care, it's our way of life. God bless all who shed light into the darkness & expose the shadows.