If you haven't read Parts 1-4, you can find them here.
Ramtha Part 1: Who is JZ Knight?
Ramtha Part 2: Is Ramtha's School of Enlightenment the Next Bohemian Grove?
Ramtha Part 3: Or is Ramtha's School of Enlightenment a Death Cult?
Ramtha Part 4: Ramtha, Lawsuits, and Lawfare
Ramtha And Q
Why does Ramtha matter to today's political landscape? Well, this is why. Infiltration. Ramtha tried hijacking the Q movement.
From one Ramtha followers on X (formerly Twitter):
“The Q intelligence is divine intelligence. It is challenging the entire world and the evil network in every country — every country — and taking them down.” — Ramtha
From the Ramtha-Qanon Meetup account on X (formerly Twitter):
You are one confused man. That is fine because when the declassification happens Mr. WarDrummer you won't be and we can't wait to share with you that the entire time Ramtha has been behind all of this. Think.
"Dark to Light"
"Trust the Plan"
"Great Awakening"
That is us.
Why did they try to do that? I can only guess. Was it to sell more books and DVDs? Or maybe it was to find a ready-made group of new followers and believers? I don't know. The only person who can tell you that is JZ Knight herself and maybe MGShow's intheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove.
From Ramtha's School of Enlightenment Facebook account:
Q The Basics
By Anons
via Leanne Verrier a great 8 page INTRO PAPER on Q
Learn what the Mainstream Media won't tell you about the Qanon Movement.
Q: The Ascended Master
Ramtha implied that they were behind Q and Q was an ascended master.
Excerpts from left-leaning Daily Beast's article titled QAnon Teams Up With Alleged Cult Leader:
Now QAnon has a new group of allies: a woman who claims she’s a conduit for a 35,000-year-old warrior god, and her thousands of followers. Since February, at least three top QAnon promoters have made plans to visit a sprawling Washington-state property owned by J.Z. Knight, a New Age guru whose former acolytes have accused her of running a cult.
Since last year, Knight has begun to incorporate the anonymous online clues left by the anonymous QAnon into her Ramtha lore. In one statement from “Ramtha” provided to The Daily Beast by Knight’s group, the Ramtha School of Enlightenment, the spirit declares that the person behind QAnon “is divine intelligence.”
"It is challenging the entire world and the evil network in every country every country — and taking them down,” the statement praising QAnon reads.
Book Sales and Q's Tripcodes
As if that weren't bizarre enough, there was a conspiracy theory regarding Q's Tripcodes. What is a Q Tripcode? To put it very simply ad without getting into a very technical explanation, Q’s Tripcode was the ID that identified the person(s) known as Q. It helped differentiate Q’s posts from other anonymous users’ posts. These Tripcodes would change from time to time and would require reverification when they did.
Neon Revolt explains the conspiracy theory regarding those Tripcodes here:
It was a theory that was being tossed around by various Qresearchers at the time, suggesting that Q’s ID’s and Tripcodes would all point to various books, if you were to enter them in to a Google Books search, and that these books were somehow tangentially related to the subjects Q was talking about at the time.
One of these books is The Last Waltz of the Tyrants, written by “Ramtha,” which Knight has taken to promoting on her personal site by saying that it’s the number one book according to #QAnon’s Tripcode book list.
To be 100% clear, I think the “Q book list” theory is trash, and it has never once been recognized or confirmed by Q himself.
But here’s JZ Knight using it to market her book anyway.
Neon Revolt: Leave the QULT, InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove!
What was the book in question? Ramtha’s The Last Waltz of the Tyrants.
But it wasn't just one book JZ Knight was trying to sell that was attached to the movement. We also have this one written by Michael Knight titled President Trump and the New World Order: Exposing the Pyramid Power.
Left Wing Media Exposes PSYOP
As you can imagine, the union between the Q movement and Ramtha's School of Enlightenment was received with considerable pushback from inside the movement. But it didn't stop there. Even left-leaning Daily Beast got in on the criticism about Q influencers appearing at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. And they didn't pull any punches. In fact, they hit the nail on the head when they said, "QAnon’s new ties to Ramtha have opened up a split among QAnon believers."
The reason for the split was due to the fact that people started following ideologies and influencers rather than truth. They followed what someone else told them rather than what they could see, prove, and research for themselves. They followed slogans and hashtags, believed blindly, and didn't ask questions.
Excerpts from the article:
J.T. Wilde, a singer who writes QAnon-themed songs like “WWG1WGA,” appears to have been the first QAnon personality to make a public appearance at the Ranch. In March, Wilde appeared at Knight’s “Genesis Retreat,” performing his QAnon songs at events with names like the “Orb Session.”
Wilde isn’t the only QAnon personality on the Ranch’s agenda this year. In June, pseudonymous QAnon promoters InTheMatrixxx and Shady Grooove, who have more than 110,000 Twitter followers between them, are scheduled to appear in June at the Ranch to discuss their QAnon theories. Knight’s followers looking to see the QAnon "interpreters" will have to pay $100 each for tickets.
QAnon’s new ties to Ramtha have opened up a split among QAnon believers, many of whom fear that associating with people who believe in an ancient warrior spirit will make QAnon believers look ridiculous. The feud over Ramtha broke into the open last week, when a QAnon blogger named Neon Revolt blasted Wilde, InTheMatrixxx and Shad Grooove in a blog post for booking appearances at the Ranch.
Ramtha and The MGShow
What event was the Daily Beast talking about that involved InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove? It was an event centered around InTheMatrixxx's and ShadyGrooove's dig on Payseur.
From the same Ramtha-Qanon Meetup account on X (formerly Twitter) that said "that the entire time Ramtha has been behind all of this":
The Prophets (Profits?) of Ramtha
What would be a religion without its profits? Excuse me. Prophets? What would be a message without its messengers? Is this what InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove were to Ramtha's School of Enlightenment? Were they messengers to a message?
Here are excerpts from what Neon Revolt said:
Now, the first warning bell that should be flashing in your head right now is the fact that JZ Knight was on Merv Griffin’s show in the first place. For those who don’t know. Griffin was a member of the Bohemian Grove, and one which was particularly vital towards its operations.
Knight is trying to move into the Q-space and hitch her Ramtha-wagon to Q.
Which I find… just… so profoundly disturbing in and of itself.
What can not be denied is that many, many, many people over the years have called this Ramtha School a cult, and JZ Knight, a cult leader.
All this is out there, in the open, and has been reported and repeated in many venues…
Which makes what I have to say next the most disturbing thing I’ve seen yet, because it involves two prominent members of the Qcommunity who should have known better than to get involved with this organization.
Both have agreed to travel to “The Farm Ranch” and speak at a for-profit event there, which is, as of this writing, a little under a month-and-a-half away.
For whatever reason, InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove have decided that it would be a good idea for them to hook up with what some have called a “cult” and spread Q-related messages there, on stage, for exorbitant fees.
I mean, really, just break down the cost alone. We don’t have the price for the 101 class, but a Capstone membership costs 600 dollars.
With the 20% discount, that’s an 80 dollar ticket on top of the 600 dollar membership, all to hear InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove prattle on about the Payseurs for an hour, hour-and-a-half, or whatever.
That’s almost 700 dollars for info that’s already everywhere, for free.
And how did Knight hook up with InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove?
Neon Revolt: Leave the QULT, InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove!
Indeed. How did Knight hook up with InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove? This is a very good question.
Neon Revolt may have been right when he said this:
I think that money got their attention.
(And I’m not against making money, folks. Not by any stretch of the imagination. People have to eat and pay the bills. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it).
Of course, Shady and Matrixxx are welcome to clarify how they got involved with JZ Knight and the Ramtha school, if they would like.
But really, Matrixxx, Shady, you should absolutely not under any circumstance be affiliating with that school, or with Knight herself.
Neon Revolt: Leave the QULT, InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove!
What possible incentive did InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove have in being connected to JZ Knight?
How much money have InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove received from JZ Knight? I don't think anyone outside of those three parties have a final figure. However, according to the video below, it is in excess of $2,395.80 between March 7, 2019 and June 13, 2019. These are just donations that we can publicly view.
Source: Bitchute: Neon Revolt: Ramtha is Having A Wonderful Time!
InTheMatrixxx: Has nothing to do with me.
Are you sure about that InTheMatrixxx? Regarding those donations...
Knight was one of the largest donors to the Washington State Democratic Party at the time, and was on President Obama’s state reelection committee. Shortly after these videos were released, the Washington State Democratic Party divested themselves from JZ Knight and her Ramtha cash stash.
Internet Archive: Cult Leader JZ Knight fails in Federal Court
Democrat politicians had more integrity in regards to JZ Knight and her donations than the MGShow. When they heard her racist rants, they ended up donating the money to charities. They wanted nothing to do with her. What does that say about InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove's integrity?
Q Qultists
Ramtha wasn't a really good look for the movement as a whole. Neon Revolt, among others, recognized this.
You have to be aware of how often the #MediaScabs have relentlessly attacked Q-followers as being Cultists, or rather, #Qultists.
And now you two, both very prominent members of the QCommunity, are going to go to the gated headquarters of an “organization” run by a woman who claims to be channeling a 35,000 year old spirit, and whose members have to pay for the privilege of living onsite and attending classes, to the tunes of thousands of dollars every year?
Neon Revolt: Leave the QULT, InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove!
Left-leaning Daily Beast saw this as well and used it against everyone in the MAGA movement, regardless in whether you believed in Q or not.
Knight’s embrace of QAnon marks the latest bizarre evolution for the conspiracy theory, which has appeared everywhere from Trump rallies to the White House, where the president posed for a picture with a QAnon leader. The conspiracy theory has also been tied to two murders.
Like other QAnon promoters, Knight has begun to make merchandise based on the conspiracy theory, selling hats and T-shirts with “Q” branding. Knight has also tried to use QAnon to sell copies of her book, claiming that QAnon clues are actually signs that people should read her “great book.”
The Question of Why
Why? Why would InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove do this?
I think Daily Beast said it best when they said "QAnon’s new ties to Ramtha have opened up a split among QAnon believers."
It caused a split in the movement. A movement InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove claim to love and would sacrifice to protect. But it wouldn't be the only time that InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove would be tied into drama that would splinter the movement. Not by a long shot.
MGShow's Website
Let's go back to this screenshot.
Do you remember when InTheMatrixxx said this:
Yep. And I don't have anything to do with JZ Knight.
InTheMatrixxx's definition of "anything" and my definition of "anything" may be slightly different. My definition comes from the fact that the Payseur event and the money JZ Knight donated to the MGShow weren't their only ties. MGShow also hosted JZ Knight's content on their website, such as her Twitter posts as shown in the red boxes in the image below.
And as shown in this screenshot of an archived version of InTheMatrixxx's website. If you look at the bottom of the site, you will see the InTheMatrixxx copyright and email marked in yellow.
What happened when InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove were confronted with questions regarding their ties to Ramtha and JZ Knight? Well, RedPill78 (aka Zak Paine aka Corruption Detector) invited both of them on his show to speak about those questions. They had an opportunity to explain the situation to RedPill78.
Source: Odysee: Red Pill News: Red Pill News Friday Night Livestream W/ InTheMatrixxx & ShadyGrooove discussing Ramtha
From the video's description:
Red Pill News Friday Night Livestream W/ InTheMatrixxx & ShadyGrooove discussing Ramtha
Two strong voices in the movement are scheduled to speak at the Ramtha School for Enlightenment, InTheMatrixxx & ShadyGrooove. This move has angered some and excited others. Tonight we discuss what this means, their reason behind accepting the invitation and what it means for the future of the movement.
This is what happened after the first 8 minutes of the show.
RedPill78: It's come out recently that there has been some ties directly between the Ramtha school and NXIVM.
InTheMatrix: Show me some proof there? Yeah. Where's that proof? I need to see that.
RedPill78: Mark Vicente... [gets cut off]
InTheMatrixxx: Oh! He's just someone who happened to go to one religious school and then went to another one later. Is that the connection? What's the real connection? Seriously. People who do religions, especially New Age religions, they try one. Maybe that doesn't do it for them and go to another.
The conversation in my opinion gets derailed from that point on. Highlights include both InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove also denied having received any financial compensation from JZ Knight. They also confess that they will associate with anybody without any discrimination or reservation, regardless of any circumstances.
They didn't last the whole entire show. They left by the 29 minute mark.
RedPill78 did write a response after the interview. In RedPill78's defense, he has a lot more patience than I. He handled himself well during the whole ordeal.
RedPill78 wrote this thread about the podcast.
Reporting On Ramtha
RedPill78 turned around and did two later podcasts on research he did into Ramtha with LARSE. For those that don't know, LARSE is an organization based on helping those who leave Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. You can find both podcasts here.
Source: Odysee: Red Pill News Saturday Night Livestream W/ LARSE: Life After Ramtha PART 1
Source: Odysee: Red Pill News Saturday Night Livestream W/ LARSE: Life After Ramtha PART 2
Joe M even wrote a response about these shows.
Helpful reporting on why Scientology-esque Ramtha group is suspect at best, and with the ongoing plague of nefarious infiltration, we should be on high alert not to let it co-opt the Q movement as a marketing ploy, as it appears to be attempting to do.
One Big Pattern
Is this just one big pattern? Are we doomed to the repetition of satisfying the indulgences of weak men?
InTheMatrixxx: Do you guys know Q? Do you guys know QAnon yet? Oh you do! Do you know InTheMatrixxx on Twitter? That's me. 90,000 followers on Twitter.
Doesn’t InTheMatrixxx know there is no QAnon? There is Q and there are Anons. QAnon is a term used to discredit the Q Movement.
To Be Continued...
Ramtha Part 6: The Authority of PSYOPs
One can't help but think of who else might be involved in this.
Authority might not have ties to JZ Knight. But he certainly is friends with InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove.
And we keep seeing the same patterns over and over again.
Part 6 will be the final part in this series.
Great dig Lizzy. As usual, you connect the dots and make weird sagas like this more understandable. Thank you.
EPD thanks for this! Very helpful for connecting the dots. I have a friend who treats Q like it is some kind of sacred movement wearing Q necklace and Q earrings and gets lost in trancelike meanderings looking at the sky and a lot of other weird stuff. I have been concerned that she has been sucked into some kind of cult online. It’s far deeper than what I am describing and while I don’t think it’s Ramtha she is sucked into, I’m concerned that there maybe other parasitic CIA ops that have hitched a ride on Q and the MAGA movement to make it look like a cult. Truly a different kind of war.
Look forward to your next installment. 😀