The US Industrial Corruption Mind Map
Everything form the drug crisis to the Forever Wars to weapons trafficking to money laundering to child trafficking to spying and espionage.
You have heard people say, “everything is connected.” They are right.
I have been trying to break down the connections in order to show a 40,000 foot view of how things are connected. Rather than describe, it is better to show. Follow and research any one of these connections and you’ll come up with several rabbit holes to go down and a story to tell. Some of these stories I have written about here.
You will find a myriad of topics. Everything form the drug crisis to the Forever Wars to weapons trafficking to money laundering to child trafficking to spying and espionage. I would have added more but I ran out of white space.
Wow! You’re a Great researcher, can’t wait to dive in!!!
What a flow chart! Yours? How long did it take to compile?