NOTES: I made a few corrections to spellings and grammar.
Something else to note. I am no longer editing out the address of David P Beiter. It is an address of a place that doesn’t exist. As if his identity weren’t shrouded in mystery already.
By David P Beiter
Subject: Angel of Death Slams Justice Dept in Inslaw Case
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 96 01:29:20 -0700
Angel of Death Gives Deposition to Justice Department in Inslaw Case
by J. Orlin Grabbe
On April 2, 1996, Charles S. Hayes — retired CIA operative, Air Force Colonel, and Kentucky salvage dealer — was deposed by the U.S. Department of Justice with respect to the Inslaw case [1]. The attorney for the Department of Justice, Beth Cook, seemed ill-prepared for what turned out to be a brutal assault on the integrity of the Justice Department itself, which Hayes accused of lying, cheating, and stealing.
Hayes has recently acquired the Internet label of AOD ("Angel of Death" or "Angel of Doom") due to his efforts in encouraging the early retirement of corrupt politicians. "Do you know the Angel of Death?" Cook asked at one point. "I know him well," Hayes replied.
Hayes has previously testified with respect to the Inslaw case, most notably before a Chicago grand jury in August 1992. Hayes' extensive testimony in that case was redacted under the National Security Act. The reasons for the redaction are not known, but apparently the grand jury's questions lead far afield from the principal topic of the Justice Department's apparently illegal sales of Inslaw's PROMIS software, and got into topics related to a tangled web of freelance arms dealers, drug runners, assassins, and government miscreants — whose murky and disparate interrelationships Hayes dubbed "the Octopus" — a term adopted and popularized by freelance journalist Danny Casolaro [2], who used Hayes as a frequent source of information. Hayes is said to have testified to detailed criminal violations of U.S. law by employees of the Department of Justice and other government agencies.
Although Hayes will not discuss his grand jury testimony, other sources say that with respect to the Inslaw case, he testified to a meeting at which he was present in Brazil in the course of which Earl Brian called Attorney General Ed Meese (then in the United States) to get approval for the sale of PROMIS to the Brazilian government. Hayes is said to have backed up this assertion with an affidavit of Brazilian President Joao Figueiredo.
Earl Brian, who is said to have marketed the PROMIS software to intelligence agencies around the world, is currently under indictment in California. The indictment concerns tens of millions of dollars of fraudulent lease transactions made while Earl Brian was Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of three separate companies: Infotechology, Financial News Network (FNN), and United Press International (UPI).
Early in the April 2, 1996, deposition, Justice Dept. attorney Beth Cook enjoined Hayes not to discuss his grand jury testimony. Subsequently, however, she began to question him about it. "Are you trying to entrap me?" Hayes asked.
In the five-hour deposition, Hayes declared he was not present to help Inslaw, nor to help any government agency which was pirating software. "I'm here to help the people of the United States, whom I hold in esteem second only to my God" he said, and admonished Cook for what he called her lack of preparation, laziness, and wasting of taxpayers' money. He asked her if there was "some medical reason related to the time of month" for her "arrogance" and "obstinance".
Hayes asked to be reimbursed for expenses related to the Justice Department subpoena. "We don't pay for subpoenas," Cook said, although in fact Federal law requires that expenses incurred in response to Federal subpoenas be reimbursed.
Hayes pointed out that U.S. attorney Allen Lear had threatened to bring the FBI down on him on January 18, 1996. "I don't think that's legal," Hayes said. Anyway, "the FBI is not a chartered organization."
(A check with the Library of Congress shows that, in fact, the FBI is not chartered. As such, laws related to, and convictions based on, "lying to the FBI" are apparently not valid, for no such chartered organization exists. The correctness of this argument, based on lack of charter, has been upheld in court cases involving the FBI in Massachusetts and Vermont. In addition, since the FBI, as a subdivision of the Department of Justice, is larger than the DOJ itself, Federal law bars FBI employees from receiving benefits. FBI agents who currently receive benefits are thus apparently in violation of Federal law, and could properly be required to return the money.)
Hayes accused the DOJ of theft, saying they owed him money stemming from the largest gem seizure in U.S. history. (This appeared to be in reference to Indictment No. 86-44, U.S. vs. Antonio Carlos A Calvares, Mauricio Alcides Kruger, Mark Edward Lewis, Empresa Brasileira de Mineracao Imp e Exp. Ltda., filed Dec. 3, 1986, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky. Charles Hayes personally delivered gems with an appraised value of $1.3 million. Customs Form 4655, Receipt for Seized Goods, dated July 25, 1985, for goods delivered by Charles Hayes is signed by Paul E. Carpenter. A similar receipt on July 28 is signed by George F. Fritz, Special Agent, witnessed by John D. Morton, RAC. The total seizure in the case involved more than $10 million in property. Under 18 USC 371, 542, 545, Hayes says, he is entitled to *mordi* — this being typically 25 percent of the total seizure, but a minimum of 10 percent.)
More relevant to the Inslaw case, is the fact that in August 1990, Charles Hayes purchased used Justice Department computers and peripheral equipment (Lot 097 from the U.S. attorney's office in Lexington, Kentucky) for salvage for $45, and found on them copies of the pirated PROMIS software, as well as sealed grand jury indictments, and the names of Justice Dept. informants. The General Accounting Office found the Justice Department's sale of computers from which it had not erased sensitive information alarming, noting, "The error may have put some informants, witness and undercover agents in a 'life-and-death' situation."
The Justice Department, having sold Hayes the equipment, subsequently seized it under warrant — apparently to prevent its being used as evidence in the Inslaw case. But Hayes subsequently sued and got the equipment back, plus a undetermined settlement amount. (This case is discussed, albeit somewhat incompletely and inaccurately, in David Burnham, Above the Law: Secret Deals, Political Fixes, and Other Misadventures of the U.S. Department of Justice, Scribner, New York, 1996).
In the April 2, 1996, deposition, Justice attorney Beth Cook seemed unaware that the Justice Department was under Congressional order from the Brookes Committee on the Judiciary (see [1]) to cease the sale of pirated software, not to mention hard drives containing confidential information. Similar restrictions have been placed on the IRS which, from its Martinsburg, West Virginia, central record depository, sold some 40,000 pounds of used computer disks containing the tax records of thousands of U.S. citizens — records of considerable interest to credit bureaus, organized crime, and foreign intelligence organizations.
When asked how he felt just prior to the deposition, Hayes said, "Great, Kentucky's No. 1," referring to the previous night's championship win over Syracuse by the University of Kentucky basketball team.
About the only thing that Hayes didn't accuse the DOJ of in his April 2 deposition was murder. Others are not so kind. In its Addendum to INSLAW's ANALYSIS and REBUTTAL of the BUA REPORT, dated February 14, 1994, Inslaw notes with respect to the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations (OSI): "OSI's publicly-declared mission is to locate and deport Nazi war criminals. The Nazi war criminal program is, however, a front for the Justice Department's own covert intelligence service, according to disclosures recently made to INSLAW by several senior Justice Department career officials . . . According to written statements of which INSLAW has obtained copies, another undeclared mission of the Justice Department's covert agents was to insure that investigative journalist Danny Casolaro remained silent about the role of the Justice Department in the INSLAW scandal by murdering him in West Virginia in August 1991."
Is the U.S. Department of Justice just another tentacle of the Octopus? If so, then what is the meaning of the phrase "with liberty and justice for all"?
[1] The Inslaw case was the subject of a Congressional report: *The Inslaw Affair: Investigative Report by the Committee on the Judiciary*, Jack Brookes, Chairman, House Report 102-856, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1992.
See also:
Mahar, Maggie, "Beneath Contemp: Did the Justice Dept. Deliberately Bankrupt INSLAW," Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, March 21, 1988.
Mahar, Maggie, "Rogue Justice: Who and What Were Behind the Vendette Against INSLAW?", Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, April 4, 1988.
Martin, Harry V., "Federal Corruption: Inslaw", The Napa Sentinel, a series of articles with various titles beginning March 15, 1991 and extending through March 19, 1993.
Fricker, Richard L., "The Inslaw Octopus," Wired, #4, 1993.
Bua, Nicolas J., Report of Special Counsel Nicholas J. Bua to the Attorney General of the United States Responding to the Allegations of INSLAW, Inc., March 1993
Inslaw, Inc., INSLAW's ANALYSIS and REBUTTAL of the BUA REPORT, July 1993.
Inslaw, Inc., Addendum to INSLAW's ANALYSIS and REBUTTAL of the BUA REPORT, February 14, 1994
[2] In addition to the sources mentioned in footnote [1], the death of Danny Casolaro is explored in: Connolly, John, "Dead Right," Spy Magazine, January 1993.
Version: 2.6.2
Conspiracy Nation — Vol. 7 Num. 89
Chuck Hayes, whistleblower on insider skullduggery, misses his Value Jet flight, which then explodes in mid-air; Bob Dole startles us all by suddenly abandoning his powerful Senate position; and Bill Clinton is seen wiping a little tear from his eye: Hey. What's going on?
Subject: [FreeSpeech-NewsWire] Angel of Death (fwd)
Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 06:59:32 -0400 (EDT)
Some Valuejet speculations, FWIW....
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Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 21:14:44 -0400 (EDT)
To: New Paradigms Discussion
Subject: [FreeSpeech-NewsWire] Angel of Death (fwd)
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Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 17:31:40 -0700 (MST)
From: Free Speech
Subject: [FreeSpeech-NewsWire] Angel of Death
Note: I do not necessarily endorse the conspiracy theory that will inevitably flow from the following.
1. AoD has more envelopes to deliver.
2. AoD misses ValueJet flight.
3. ValueJet now reported as having been crippled by an explosion.
4. Dole announces resignation from Senate.
No doubt this comment will make some of you angry, but what the hey...
You don't suppose someone slipped ole Bob a plain white envelope, do you? Since we know he can't beat Clinton, what more honorable way to fade into the sunset with his $7 million pension?
Sorry, but the thought just won't go away.
Libertarians do it freely, but not without charge.
05/15/96 10:43:00
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 09:53:06 -0400
Subject: Re: AoD
Hayes has been preoccupied with other matters lately, but says he is getting ready to deliver another batch of envelopes.
Curiously, he and a colleague had tickets to fly out of Miami on that crashed ValueJet DC9. They got stuck in a restaurant too long and decided to take a later flight. Lucky for them.
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 11:43:29 -0400
Subject: Re: AoD
Hayes and colleague saw news reports of the ValuJet crash while sitting in the restaurant, drove to nearby AFB (Homestead?), borrowed a Wigen (seaplane that Hayes is very family with flying) and took an airboat and other investigators to the crash scene that afternoon. From the beginning, they suspected an explosion. JN
Subject: (Fwd) PIML 96051604 - Dole and Angel of Death Hayes
Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 15:55:40 -0700
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Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 13:51:12 -0500
From: Bill Utterback
Subject: PIML 96051604 - Dole and Angel of Death Hayes
PIML 96051604 / Posted to Patriot Information Mailing List:
[The following are unverified scraps of conversations picked up on the net. Read and ponder.] PIML
Who is Hayes?
He is supposedly either one of, or a contact person for, "The Fifth Column", a group of ex-CIA computer hackers who have become so torqued off about corruption in the government that they have started their own crusade against it. Supposedly they were able to acquire their own Cray Supercomputer (rumored to be the one that had been in Clark Air Force Base, it was air cooled) which they keep in a semi-tractor trailer and move around at random intervals. They have been getting the goods on corrupt politicians, and sending them envelopes containing all the information on their favorite Swiss bank accounts with transactions to and from. Included in the envelope is a little letter which requests that they resign or the information will be made public. Allegedly this is the reason there have been so many resignations from Congress lately.
Now, the only part of this that I *can* verify is that there have been a lot of people resigning from Congress lately. I have seen Hayes get articles in some of the alternative media publications (I think Media Bypass may have done a story on him). If even part of all that is true, then there would be a lot of people who would have a lot of reasons to make sure that Mr. Hayes ceased his activities.
Some of my headers necessarily get somewhat cryptic due to space limitations. But it looks like the "Angel of Death" had tickets on the Valu-Jet plane that crashed out of Miami. Lucky for him he got delayed at a restaurant, huh?
An explosion in the cargo hold is now reported as a possible cause of the Valu-Jet crash.
Note: I do not necessarily endorse the conspiracy theory that will inevitably flow from the following.
1. AoD has more envelopes to deliver.
2. AoD misses ValueJet flight.
3. ValueJet now reported as having been crippled by an explosion.
4. Dole announces resignation from Senate.
You don't suppose someone slipped ole Bob a plain white envelope, do you? Since we know he can't beat Clinton, what more honorable way to fade into the sunset with his $7 million pension?
Sorry, but the thought just won't go away.
Hayes has been preoccupied with other matters lately, but says he is getting ready to deliver another batch of envelopes.
Curiously, he and a colleague had tickets to fly out of Miami on that crashed ValueJet DC9. They got stuck in a restaurant too long and decided to take a later flight. Lucky for them.
Hayes and colleague saw news reports of the ValuJet crash while sitting in the restaurant, drove to nearby AFB (Homestead?), borrowed a Wigen (seaplane that Hayes is very family with flying) and took an airboat and other investigators to the crash scene that afternoon. From the beginning, they suspected an explosion.
* Patriot Information Mailing List
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Subject: Saint Colby & the Fifth Column
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 00:35:30 -0500 (EST)
Saint Colby and the Fifth Column
by J. Orlin Grabbe
When I first heard of William Colby's capsized canoe and disappearance near his place on the Wicomico River, I thought, "Well, maybe he won't be ragging on Jim Norman and me anymore." It was of course absurd that Norman and I had ever registered on Colby's radar screen in the first place. We were small fry: Norman was an unemployed journalist recently fired from Forbes Magazine, while I was rumored to be an ex-academic suffering a bad case of sunstroke.
Norman and I had met through the dead mediation of Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster. In my peregrinations as a banking consultant, I had come across the fact of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) spying on domestic banking transactions, had thought this a bit too Big Brotherly for my tastes, and had written an essay entitled The End of Ordinary Money about the uses of the monetary system for surveillance. Jim Norman, a Senior editor at Forbes, had written about the same NSA covert project, pointing out that Vince Foster was one of its overseers on behalf of a Little Rock software firm. Norman's research pointed to another explosive issue, namely that at the time of Foster's death both Foster and Hillary Clinton were under counterintelligence investigation for selling U.S. secrets to the Israelis.
When Norman and I met in Reno, Nevada, I learned about one of his sources — the point man of a group called the Fifth Column. This person, Chuck Hayes, had a nice computer and could do some neat tricks with it — things in some specific areas in which I was looking to educate myself. Hayes, meanwhile, had heard about my essay The End of Ordinary Money, which I had published on the Internet. Hayes, ex-CIA, got a copy from the CIA library, and liked it. Hayes and I hit it off right away, discovering an overlap of mutual interests.
For several years the Fifth Column had searched computer data bases, including foreign bank accounts, looking for evidence of political bribery, kickbacks, and related subversion of the U.S. Constitution and political process. They had uncovered the financial information concerning the Foster/Clinton espionage. They had also transferred millions of dollars from politically-related illegal accounts at off-shore banks in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, and elsewhere to a holding account at the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Jim Norman wrote an article Fostergate for Forbes magazine about all this, an article which was cleared by the magazine's fact-checkers and lawyers, but at the last minute killed by Steve Forbes, through the urging of Caspar Weinberger, former Defense Secretary and Chairman of the Board of Forbes, Inc. I promised Norman that I would publicize his article through the Internet, and began a series on Vince Foster. The series also allowed me to raise the issues I had discussed in The End of Ordinary Money in a different way. The series generated a large Internet audience, including not only sympathizers to the cause of uncovering the cover-up, but also small coteries of others with counter agendas — including White House disinformation specialists, NSA email and usegroup monitors, and a myriad of others bent on establishing territorial rights to pieces of the story.
One example of the latter was Daniel Brandt, a researcher who made his living off the CIA by selling a database of undigested articles mostly critical of it. Brandt had identified "information warfare" as a new ploy to justify old intelligence budgets, and hence reports of the Fifth Column by Norman and me had to be part of this campaign. After all, Norman referred to Fifth Column members as "CIA hackers", and they were reported to be up to something good, so the story must be propaganda since everyone knew that organization never did anything worthwhile. Brandt then identified the ultimate source of all this "Fifth Column" disinformation as probably the "well-connected" Jack Wheeler, "a right-wing adventurer" and contributor to Strategic Investment (SI), whom I apparently gullibly believed. Neither my friend Wheeler nor I could think of any good reason why I would be getting information about computers or banking from Wheeler, but this theory apparently made sense to Brandt. (For the record, Wheeler is not "right-wing", whatever that is supposed to mean. He is philosophically a libertarian, although he was once head of Youth for Reagan, a conservative organization. Wheeler had come to admire Reagan when he heard a speech in which Reagan said, "There is no Left or Right. There is only Up or Down: Up toward liberty or Down toward tyranny." As far as connections, I assume Wheeler has a few, stemming from the time his grandfather was chief bodyguard to four successive U.S. Presidents — from Teddy Roosevelt to Warren Harding.)
But over at SI, Brandt's view was supported by William Colby, among others. I don't profess to know how much Colby was actually consulted with respect to SI editorial policy, but Colby was known to support the view that "Foster was killed but he wasn't a spy." (In Colby's own case, this view would be simply inverted: "Colby was a spy, but he wasn't killed.") Moreover, there was no Fifth Column and no high-level source would admit to having ever heard of this Chuck Hayes — hence Hayes was just another liar and huckster with a hidden agenda of his own. Colby, of course, knew very well who Hayes was, but had reasons to pretend otherwise. The most obvious one may relate to the circumstances by which Colby was removed as CIA director in 1977, an action in which Hayes was involved. But the more probable reason had to do with political turf, for it would become abundantly clear Colby was not in sympathy with the activities of the Fifth Column, as Colby himself had a little piece of the U.S. political process for sale.
SI relentless pursued the notion that the death of Vince Foster was not a suicide. It specialized in highlighting the ease by which the gaping holes in the official story could be exposed. But ultimately it could provide its readers no explanation for the continuance of the cover-up, because it initially rejected the true explanation: namely that at the time of his death Vince Foster was under counterintelligence investigation for selling U.S. secrets to Israel. Thus SI was not in a position to explain to its readers why the Whitewater Committee under Alfonse D'Amato would supposedly accept the Foster suicide verdict at face value. The simple explanation was that doing so allowed D'Amato to take on Bill Clinton through the Whitewater investigation without at the same time having to antagonize his constituents by pursuing a line of inquiry destined to expose a can of worms relating to Israel.
Yes, the Foster murder cover-up was an easy sham to see through. But no one wanted to bear the burden of doing so officially.
There were other people, naturally, who had different reasons for going along with this scenario of events, unrelated to issues of national security. British journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard would dump on the story by ludicrously claiming that a Swiss account number found on a paper from the trunk of Barry Seal's car (an account that turned out to have Caspar Weinberger's name attached to it) was really an aircraft number — thus providing one more reason not to believe those Jim Norman articles about plundered Swiss accounts. But then Evans-Pritchard had carried the information around for some time, in blissful ignorance of what he had. After all, the record from Seal was a series of letters — so how it could be a Swiss "numbered" account?
Meanwhile, William Colby told Washington journalist Sarah McClendon and others that Colin Powell would be the Republican nominee for President. But Colby wasn't able to subsequently explain Powell's failure to stand for office. After all, since the Fifth Column was a mythical entity, and the tales of political retirements inspired by financial disclosure was disinformation, then naturally the packets of financial information that were in fact delivered to Powell could have no bearing on Powell's political decisions. (The packets were said to have detailed millions of dollars of undeclared jewelry received from Kuwait, a stash of gold bars representing payoffs from military deals, and involvement in an arms network that does not hesitate to deal in proscribed products such as plutonium or to plunder U.S. military bases for goods in hot demand on the world market.)
But after Colby's death, how quickly he became Saint Colby. Rumors ran amuck. Since his death followed shortly on the heels of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown's, surely a common hand was involved in both. Since Colby was the man who had revealed the CIA's family jewels in the 1977 congressional probe into intelligence activities, surely he was now dead for whistle-blowing of the same noble sort. Since Colby was an SI editor, and SI was a publication that relentlessly investigated the Vince Foster murder, surely Colby was a martyr to the cause of truth. Publications that had not heretofore acknowledged the existence of the Fifth Column now breathlessly reported that it "cannot be ruled out" that Colby was the head of it. The rush to deification was all quite nauseating.
Yes, there was definitely a Ron Brown connection, for at the time of Brown's death Colby was working with Brown in representing the interests of Vietnam to the U.S. This hardly shores up the argument for sainthood. Even those convinced a change in U.S. policy toward Vietnam is mandatory might wonder about the propriety of an ex-head of U.S. intelligence representing the interests of a foreign power. This is reinforced by the Brown association, since Brown himself reportedly asked Vietnam to deposit $700,000 in a bank account for his personal use as the quid pro quo for considering their requests for reconciliation.
Colby had made his reputation as head of the Vietnam-War era Phoenix project which had used computer data bases to track political "enemies" in Vietnam, many of whom were then targeted for assassination. The ruthlessness he showed there was not all that different from the ruthlessness he later showed toward ex-colleagues when it came time to cover his ass before congressional investigators. Colby's whistle-blowing was dictated by necessity, not choice.
Colby may have simply fallen out of his canoe and drowned. But if he was given a little nudge, one suspects he was out of line with respect to his foreign entanglements. And one seriously doubts the hands involved were the same as those involved in the death of Ron Brown. Ron Brown was after all (as I reported in "Ron Brown's Loose Lips Seal His Fate") a threat to his business colleagues, and he met his fate as a result of a bomb triggered by a descending detonator aboard his plane. Information about the bomb on Brown's plane has already been released to British papers by MI6. Meanwhile, the damage control minions in the U.S. are desperately trying to see that the true story doesn't bleed back here overseas. Fat chance.
Unlike the Fifth Column, which has used information to expose political corruption, Colby was seemingly indifferent to the corrupt uses of information itself. In any event he wasn't around when the Fifth Column delivered a packet of information to Senator Bob Dole on Monday, May 13. On Wednesday, Dole then dramatically announced his resignation from the Senate to run full-time for President on a non-existent campaign budget, in the apparent presumption of a receiving a Republican nomination that will not come his way.
But don't be surprised if equally dramatic and convoluted decisions are announced by the Clintons in the near future.
Version: 2.6.2
Subject: (Fwd) Fwd: Re: What about Boorda?
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 11:48:44 -0700
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Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 18:25:09 -0700
To: Multiple recipients of list IUFO
Subject: Fwd: Re: What about Boorda?
I have seen a couple of posts concerning the "angel of death" on this list, so I am providing the following update. The following message is from Jim Norman (Tenega) and is directed to Sussman, owner of the cs list. Jim Norman originally published the story about the angel of death/fifth column in a publication of very limited circulation called "Media Bypass", as I recall. Norman originally wrote the article when he was working for "Forbes" magazine, a year or two ago. Forbes initially planned to publish the article, but it was cancelled on orders from top management. Norman continued to research the story and eventually lost his job at "Forbes". Hayes and associates are the "angels of death" or "5th column", and they are supposedly current or former members of the intelligence community who have tracked illegal payments (bribes) to politicians and are forcing them to resign in order to avoid public disclosure of their crimes.
Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 13:03:39 -0400
Subject: Re: What about Boorda?
One of Hayes' guys delivered Dole an envelope on Monday, upon which Dole, on the spot, agreed to resign from office. Don't know what was in the envelope. But apparently is was material OTHER THAN Swiss bank account data. The stuff about Elizabeth Dole's Swiss account is another shoe still to drop. Implication is that if Dole ever gets very high in the polls, it will be delivered before the election.
I'm waiting to get a copy of Hayes' ticket stub from the ValuJet flight. He and a companion, (another intelligence community veteran and explosives expert), had flown to Miami to sell an airplane and had planned to come back to KY via Atlanta on ValuJet. Their tickets would have allowed them to travel on any flight that day, I think. But they had planned to take the ill-fated flight. They were delayed, decided to have lunch and take a later flight. While at the restaurant, they apparently saw a TV report of the crash.
Hayes tends to discount the idea that the disaster had anything to do with his possible travel on that flight. Yes, he says, his name would have shown up on a preliminary passenger list. But would not appear on the actual manifest, since he didn't make the flight.
As to Boorda: Hayes says that was just a matter of personal tragedy. Boorda was about to be relieved of his command over the series of fu**-ups by the Navy in recent months, from Tailhook to plane crashes to prostitution and car theft rings being run out of the Naval Academy. No Fifth Col. factor, however.
Subject: Re: PIML 96052103 - Still More Hayes/Angels of Death
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 12:07:06 -0700
As a note of interest, Forbes cancelled the story on the fifth column because their publisher emeritus was Casper Weinberger (I'm pretty sure it was him) — one of those that had his Swiss account hacked. Jim Norman was given a blind Swiss bank account number by Hayes to check their story out. Norman was able to determine that, in fact, that account had been hacked and several million dollars returned to the US treasury. Hayes claimed it was done because the person in question had sold information to the Israelis. Without finding out who the account belonged to, Norman sent the story upstairs. The story came back dead and Norman was offered a good severance package, or leave without pay. He chose to go (of course). I'm dying to read the book. Does anyone know if it's out yet and what it is called?
By the way, the CIA backs Clinton (he has worked for them since college in England) and I suspect the fifth column wouldn't hit Dole to support the Company like that. The CIA has done everything it could to hurt Dole, including making sure Gringrich couldn't campaign for him in the primaries and has to take a very limited role now — but that's another story.
Jim & Orlin —
Who is the "Angel of Death"?
Is this the same guy who found a bunch of secret files concerning Confidential Informants on some used computer junk a couple years ago? At the time it was merely amusing, and I did not keep a note of it. I did not even write down the name. I do remember that he was keeping the junk in the old Nancy, Kentucky, schoolhouse. But there is no "Charles Hayes" at Nancy in the phone book.
Nancy is just across the lake from me. OK, it is a big lake, but it is still only an hour's drive.
One of my research projects is the involvement of police, lawyers, judges, politicians, bankers, prison guards, spooks, and other social predators in the enormously profitable illegal drug business.
Is this fellow worth talking to? The CIA seems to be a major player in the drug corruption. Is Chuck Hayes protecting or exposing this??
David P Beiter
Monticello, KY 42633-8809 USA
606/376-3137 NSS#9523
Consulting Alethiologists & Venture Eschatologists
What had at first appeared to be merely a can of worms has, upon closer examination, proven to be a barrel of vipers.
Date: Thu May 23, 1996 11:58 am CST
From: Tenega
EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
TO: * David Beiter / MCI ID: 635-1762
Subject: Re: Who is the Angel of Death?
You've got the right name and the right place. Keep digging. JN
Date: Sun May 26, 1996 1:58 pm CST
From: bigred
EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
TO: Conspiracy Nation
EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
BCC: * David Beiter / MCI ID: 635-1762
Subject: Conspiracy Nation — Vol. 7 Num. 97
The following is brought to you thanks, in part, to the kind assistance of CyberNews and the fine folks at Cornell University.
Conspiracy Nation — Vol. 7 Num. 97
("Quid coniuratio est?")
*New York Times*, NATIONAL, Sunday, Sept. 2, 1990 (p. 25)
"U.S. Mistakenly Sold a Prosecutor's Secret Data"
Pikeville, Ky., Sept. 1 (AP) — A United States Attorney's secret computer files, including electronic copies of sealed indictments and information about pending F.B.I. inquiries, were mistakenly sold by the Government a month ago to a businessman who paid $45 for what he thought was only broken computer equipment.
The Justice Department now says the sale could compromise any number of criminal cases, and it has sued the businessman to get the data back.
The businessman, Charles Hayes, who resells Government surplus items, says that he would like to cooperate but that the equipment he bought, and various parts from it, have now been mixed with his previous inventory and so he is no longer sure which is which. He says he is trying to determine which of his customers may have bought some of the equipment, but he is resisting the Government's demand that he identify those customers, terming it an unwarranted intrusion into his business.
-+- A Search of His Business -+-
The Government finds Mr. Hayes's attitude insufficiently forthcoming. In addition to the lawsuit, which was filed Thursday, Federal marshals armed with a search warrant arrived Friday night at his establishment in Pulaski County, about 125 miles west of here. By the time they had left nine hours later, they had seized what Mr. Hayes described today as nine computer terminals, a computer memory device and assorted other equipment.
According to the Government's lawsuit, the case stems from a mistake made last January when a technician for the Harris-Lanier Corporation, the manufacturer of the system that Mr. Hayes would later buy, arrived at the office of the United States Attorney in Lexington, Louis DeFalaise. The system, in disrepair, was to be sold at auction, and the technician was supposed to erase the computer's memory.
In July, at an auction of the General Services Administration, Mr. Hayes made a successful bid of $45 for the system: 13 computer terminals, two central memory units, two cartridge module drives and nine printers. After Mr. Hayes picked up the equipment on Aug. 3, the Harris-Lanier technician told the Government that he had not erased the memory after all; A magnetic probe used to scramble the data had been too weak, and, because the equipment was broken, technicians had been unable to purge the memory through normal computer commands.
The Government's lawsuit says that the computer's memory and backup storage tapes almost certainly still contain sensitive details about informers who work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, about sealed indictments, about federally protected witnesses and about employees in Mr. DeFalaise's office.
-+- "Irreparable Injury" -+-
"The U.S. Attorney's office," the lawsuit says, "used some or all of the computer equipment to prepare and store virtually every document and record generated by both the civil and criminal divisions of the office from 1983 to 1989."
If made public, the suit goes on, the files could ruin criminal investigations and cause "great harm and irreparable injury" to the work of Federal prosecutors. "The seriousness of the injury to the United States of America cannot be understated," it says.
Within hours of the lawsuits filing, a Federal district judge, Eugene Siler Jr., ordered Mr. Hayes to return the computer system to the Government and not examine, copy or distribute the data. A hearing has been set for Tuesday.
Mr. Hayes said he had been told before he bought the equipment that the computer memory had been wiped out. He called the sale "the worst case of bureaucracy I have ever seen," and added, "If it is this loose, I wonder what else is missing up there" in the Office of the United States Attorney.
"What it amounts to," he said, "is I am being punished for the inefficiency" in the prosecutor's office.
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt. Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et pauperem.
— Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9
Date: Tue Jun 18, 1996 6:52 pm CST
From: bigred
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TO: Conspiracy Nation
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Subject: Conspiracy Nation — Vol. 8 Num. 17
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Conspiracy Nation — Vol. 8 Num. 17
("Quid coniuratio est?")
By J. Orlin Grabbe
Some Observations on the Non-News
by J. Orlin Grabbe
The most notable feature of the current state of journalism in the U.S. is the total dereliction of duty on the part of national political reporters. More than fifty congresscritters, senators, and state governors have announced their retirements in the past year, after they received packets from a group of hackers called the Fifth Column detailing illegal and unreported income from bribes, kickbacks, payoffs, and whatnot. This story of the wholesale sell-out of the U.S. political process should rank as one of the top stories of the decade. But the national media blandly reports the contrived explanations ("I just want to spend more time with my heretofore neglected family") and speculates on the sad loss of Washington country-club camaraderie that used to keep such fine people in public office forever.
This lack of discernment reflects a level of stupidity that should make unsurprising the general media dismissal of the importance of Whitewater (prior to the recent convictions obtained by Kenneth Starr), the head-in-the-sand stance on the murder of Vince Foster (even though virtually all official Washington knows Foster was murdered), the gullible acceptance of the official story on the downing of Ron Brown's plane (destroyed by a bomb), the lackadaisical acceptance of Bob Dole's claimed reasons for resigning from the Senate (he got a Fifth Column packet two days before the announcement), the air-head discussions of the coming "Clinton-Dole" election battle (as though there is going to be any such thing), and the "smell of roses" interpretation of the putrefying stench arising from almost everything the Clinton administration touches.
To be sure, some journalists have picked up part of the story. But often they have pursued the partial picture with a monomania that has turned their entire effort into a circus sideshow. One example is that of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and Chis Ruddy who, while still trying to convince who-knows-whom that the death of Vince Foster was not a suicide, managed to acquire a Pet Witness to the disposal of Foster's body at Ft. Marcy Park — a witness whom they paraded forth with fanfare, accompanied by tales of swarthy Middle-Eastern lurkers who scowled fiercely in broad daylight (a staged event effective in impressing naive journalists). When the Special Prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, failed to drop everything he was doing and devote himself to enhancing these journalist's own sense of self-importance, he became, naturally, part of the cover-up. But Starr wisely continued to follow his mandate to untangle Whitewater-related malfeasance on the part of the Clintons, and left the sideshow antics to these misguided journalists who hadn't a clue as to what was going on. Starr, after all, knew what he was doing. (Although, to be sure, it took Starr a while to realize that the FBI was out and about intimidating his own witnesses, a fact Ruddy was to point out.)
The goal of the FBI in all this has been to keep reporters in a state of somnambulism. But last week Louis Freeh suddenly discovered his bread wasn't buttered on the side of Bill Clinton, announcing that the White House request for FBI files on prominent Republicans and others outside the Clinton administration had been totally inappropriate. The White House made a statement that the whole thing was really just the fault of some Clinton underling operating out-of-control as usual. Freeh's statement meanwhile leaves unexplained why the FBI turned over the 400-plus files to the White House in the first place. Freeh's stated 400-plus number of files upped the ante from the White House's admitted 300-plus number. It also illustrates that the FBI can't count, or can't tell the whole truth, since the actual number is 900-plus, as has been verified by anyone who has bothered to download the same set of files from the FBI computer, such as that other government agency that is looking into the matter. Maybe Bernie Nussbaum took the rest of the files home, just to make sure the wrong people didn't read them.
Freeh of course is coming off the PR high of having ended the Freemen siege without bloodshed. But his problems in Montana aren't over. There is the little matter of Montana FBI agents involved in drug dealing.
The Canadian-Montana border is now the principal point of entry of illegal drugs coming into the U.S. Montana is awash in them. A series of clandestine airfields stretches across the state. Naturally the journalists covering the Freemen picked up none of this bigger story right under their noses. Big names are involved in the drug operation, including the soon-to-be-indicted Governor of Montana. Another name that surfaces in the Montana operation is that of ex-President George Bush.
Bush's indiscretions are beginning to catch up with him. This past week he took a trip to Bern, Switzerland, together with Colin Powell, who is not running for President. It seems that an arms deal between the two of them went sour when a relevant account at the local bank turned up missing $75 million dollars. In panic mode they flew over to try to patch things up. Hope you two boys remembered to smile a lot: You were on candid camera. Maybe you should try something legal for a change?
Others are more overt in their criminality. Jackson Stephens, Don Tyson, and Richard Mellon Scaife recently pooled their pocket change and put out a $100,000 contract on the Angel of Death. They farmed it out to the New Orleans Syndicate. The breakdown is reportedly $50,000 by Stephens, and $25,000 each by Tyson and Scaife. This makes the second time the lying Jackson Stephens has hired an assassin this year ("I've learned my lesson," he said, after the first one, Pablo, was put on a plane back home). But I hear the CIA, which has never really had anything against the corrupt politicians targeted by the Angel of Death — after all they're much easier to manipulate than the honest kind — has finally decided to get on the right side of things. Say, Jack, what about that dead body found lying in your backyard last week? You don't suppose it was the chicken shit coming home to roost, do you? As they say, payback is hell.
As if it weren't enough dealing with the criminals, there are also the forces of law 'n order (if you want to call them that) to worry about. Janet Reno sends word that the Justice Dept. will leave the Angel of Death alone if he will leave the Justice Dept. alone. It's an interesting proposition: sort of like that of a pugilist who walks down the street and punches a random passerby in the face, then immediately announces, "Let's call a truce."
Ms. Reno, as one Harvard graduate to another I take your word Justice didn't have anything to do with destroying my private email and Usenet postings of Hackers versus Politicians, Part II. You blamed the X2 division of NSA. Well, what about the actions of X2? This is apparently the new Standard of Excellence at Justice: As long as we don't commit any crimes ourselves, we're doing okay.
One consolation is that X2 found those little TCP/IP packets formed from Hackers versus Politicians extremely toxic. Secret contents created a cancer in the NSA computers that devoured them. Some NSA computers were fried from mysterious voltage surges. Others caught fire in thermite-like reactions. NSA attributed these problems to an Act of God. This in itself shows where NSA stands in the Divine Hierarchy.
One cannot say X2's instincts were wrong. The Fifth Column has been supplying information to the Special Prosecutor from the beginning. But after Hackers versus Politicians appeared, hundreds of surprisingly professional hackers began pouring relevant information into the hands of Kenneth Starr and others. Their efforts have greatly supplemented the work of the Fifth Column.
And all along Kenneth Starr has been quietly building his cases brick by brick, preparing indictments and sitting on them until the proper time, mapping out court trials, sifting through evidence, not plea bargaining when it is not necessary. In short, doing his job in a masterful manner. But you will find few journalists on the left or the right who will admit this, admit they were wrong, even after the total success of the first Whitewater trial. One assumes they will hold firm, even after Bill Clinton resigns. Being a journalist, after all, means never having to say you are sorry.
June 17, 1996
Version: 2.6.2
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I neither necessarily agree nor disagree with either all or parts of the preceeding. For further background, visit Orlin Grabbe archives at pub/users/bigred/og
— Brian Francis Redman
Conspiracy Nation
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt. Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et pauperem.
— Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9
Great detailed information, as usual, thank you,