49 Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 50 And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit.
What an expose on how millions have been encouraged to volunteer their services to (supposedly) help others. This has turned these millions with good hearts and good intentions to giving their time and talent in furtherance of the evil goals of the cabal. What power the evil one has had over the earth. His time, however, is finite and he will not win this ancient war with the abuse of the innocent with good intentions.
I came across the lucis trust by accident just the other day, then came searching for Substack posts on it and found you. I can’t believe after all my years of researching I am just now finding it. For some reason it’s the first time I searched the words lucifarians and United Nations together and it came right up. How blunt and right in front of us the whole time this thing existed the whole time, In plain sight!!! I read in searching the sight archives that it is the spiritual arm of the United Nations, I found old archives of actual un meetings and talk of their progress as to bringing Lucifer into the world. It talk about the United Nations being founded in new your city in 1922, it also talks about them opening the Geneva branch, and Belgium branch. Have you ever looked into the Belgium branch’s ties to a castle called mothers of darkness? The castle was one of the main points of the Belgium white march in the 90’s when everyone dressed in white to stand against child abuse. It was massive 30 thousand people or more I think. The castle is owned by the family that changed science as we know it into the toxicity it has become today. Albert Einstein was at the solvay conferences when this took place, creepy. Also this family are the sole creators of the drug Prozac, and they own several fluoride mining company’s in the United States one of them being in green river wy. If you haven’t dug around in this area check it out, it’s as dark as it gets, and the lucis trust only brings more evidence to how evil this place is.
Oh! This would be a fascinating dive. Not going to lie. I knew there was a connection. Or thought maybe there could be. But I don't know exactly what it is.
Sorry in advance!! This is undeniable proof of the evil in this world. For anyone that doesn’t believe in Jesus, this is called learning the hard way!!!
49 Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 50 And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit.
Ezekiel 16: 49-50
Well done my friend.
Thank you so much
Thank you for this extensive article...
You are welcome. ❤️
What an expose on how millions have been encouraged to volunteer their services to (supposedly) help others. This has turned these millions with good hearts and good intentions to giving their time and talent in furtherance of the evil goals of the cabal. What power the evil one has had over the earth. His time, however, is finite and he will not win this ancient war with the abuse of the innocent with good intentions.
Yup. It literally exposes how these things work. Want to volunteer? Do so in your community.
Exactly why I do!!
A true master of your craft, thank you for the informative product. I consumed it gratefully. 🔥
Thank you. I know I haven't been posting on social media a whole lot. But I have been writing and working on something.
Also great job on all of the information you provide, and god bless!!!
Thank you
I came across the lucis trust by accident just the other day, then came searching for Substack posts on it and found you. I can’t believe after all my years of researching I am just now finding it. For some reason it’s the first time I searched the words lucifarians and United Nations together and it came right up. How blunt and right in front of us the whole time this thing existed the whole time, In plain sight!!! I read in searching the sight archives that it is the spiritual arm of the United Nations, I found old archives of actual un meetings and talk of their progress as to bringing Lucifer into the world. It talk about the United Nations being founded in new your city in 1922, it also talks about them opening the Geneva branch, and Belgium branch. Have you ever looked into the Belgium branch’s ties to a castle called mothers of darkness? The castle was one of the main points of the Belgium white march in the 90’s when everyone dressed in white to stand against child abuse. It was massive 30 thousand people or more I think. The castle is owned by the family that changed science as we know it into the toxicity it has become today. Albert Einstein was at the solvay conferences when this took place, creepy. Also this family are the sole creators of the drug Prozac, and they own several fluoride mining company’s in the United States one of them being in green river wy. If you haven’t dug around in this area check it out, it’s as dark as it gets, and the lucis trust only brings more evidence to how evil this place is.
Oh! This would be a fascinating dive. Not going to lie. I knew there was a connection. Or thought maybe there could be. But I don't know exactly what it is.
Sorry in advance!! This is undeniable proof of the evil in this world. For anyone that doesn’t believe in Jesus, this is called learning the hard way!!!
Agreed. Maybe my digs will help.
I 'surfaced on X to crack off a couple jokes & likes for RED Friday. No reposting, that's where I get trapped for hours. ☕️Cheers