See B'nai B'rith for ADL origins. B'nai actually blew Kennedy's mind, so to speak.

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Thank you for exposing ANOTHER total realm of anti-American, anti-individual propaganda. This was begun several hundred years ago in what eventually became the Prussian Empire…..the home of shadow governments, spies and totalitarian ideologies. The home of the former residents of western Russia who, when facing expulsion due to criminal activities, were given the option of choosing a religion, Christianity, Islam or Judaism. They chose the latter, kept up their criminal activities and a couple of hundred years later were expelled. Frederick I then became the king and the totalitarian ideology began, the understanding of the power of fear and psychology was employed. This was all done quietly behind the scenes and eventually led to the Nazi philosophy. We know some of what was done after WWII, but can count on the fact that the use of shadow government, quiet infiltration of existing entities, control of banking and propaganda used in all venues, including those described in this post, has gotten us to this point. All meticulously planned generations before now.

We surely need to purge our country of all anti-constitutional entities, including all of the unconstitutional bureaucratic systems and return to our roots!

Thank you for this expose of the power of infiltration and propaganda and the intent of those who would rule….by any means necessary.

God bless you.🙏

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