Here we start getting to the end of our story. I have discussed Disinformation and Chaos for Hire, Stasi tactics, the level that these groups go to in order to create their illusions, the impacts it has had on the MAGA movement, some of their targets, some of the attacks against election integrity, their ties with Antifa and the information they have been using from those sources, some of the major players and their connections, the repeated patterns of abuse, how these groups are all interconnected, and added a few of the PSYOPs that have been discovered during the course of going down this rabbit hole.
I will be tying up a few loose threads and showing you a few others in this part of the series. I hope you forgive what seems to be disjointed parts of this story. However, it is all related.
If you haven't read Parts 1-3 of Con Inc and the Red Pilled Antifa yet, I highly suggest that you do.
Part 1: Disinformation and Chaos for Hire
Part 2: Agents of Chaos and the Rabbit Hole That Led Me To Them
Part 3: Connections of Chaos and The Red Pilled Antifa
Let's get to the meat and potatoes and start talking Con Inc, money, and how this may tie into things. This will be a kind of wrap up of Parts 1-3 of Con Inc. and the Red Pilled Antifa. Due to the nature of Part 5, I do not want it to detract from discussing Con Inc.
Let's begin...
What Is Con Inc?
Conservative Inc. (also abbreviated as "Con Inc.") is a pejorative term used to describe the mindset of unprincipled people who view the conservative movement to make money, rather than help others. Conservative Inc. is loose coalition of self-interested RINOs/neoconservatives, token conservatives, Establishment Republicans, consultants, organizations, PACs, etc., who try to claim leadership of the conservative movement while enriching or otherwise benefiting themselves. Members of Conservative Inc. market themselves as authentically conservative to the public (usually during election years), yet hold widely liberal positions, and hinder true conservatism. The billionaire, mega-donor financiers of Conservative Inc. (such as the Koch Brothers and George Soros) monopolize the movement without disclosing their agenda, which includes open borders and globalism. They also consistently fail to defend movement conservatives in the face of left-wing attacks.
Conservative Inc. is dominated by people who think that conservative politics is a way to make money, rather than a place to volunteer for the betterment of others. The Conservative Inc. "leaders" are often very hostile towards grassroots activists, particularly if they might upset the flow of money to those profiting from it.
If I were to define Con Inc., I would say that it is this. Con Inc. is the group of people who view conservatism as nothing more than a business model. They are the ones that if you took away the income stream, they make from this movement, they wouldn't be in this fight. They ultimately don't hold to the same principles, values, and vision that the rest of the Conservative movement largely has. They lack the fire and the passion for making this country what it is meant to be. They lack the love that we have all for America and its people. MAGA, this movement, and conservatism is nothing more than a way to fill their bank accounts. That's it.
Conservative Inc. largely opposed President Trump during the beginning of his 2016 campaign, but would later embrace him, likely due to the realization of just how big the market is in Trump supporters, and how little money there is in an anti-Trump base amongst the conservative populace, despite still being Never Trumpers at heart, and oft holding antithetical views to Trump. These are grifters, who use the MAGA movement for their own personal gain, despite doing nothing in return for them, and often secretly holding contempt for them.
These aren't your average citizens who show up, volunteer, or spend every extra free minute writing letters or making phone calls to better their country. These aren't the artists who inspire a movement or the person making t-shirts to wear at a Trump rally. These aren't the family-owned businesses. These aren't hard working Americans. Quite frankly, movements run on money. Period. End of discussion. If you disagree, go a month without earning a dime or spending out of your bank account and then explain to me how you did it.
The MAGA movement needs small, medium, large, and family-owned businesses as well as individuals who can sustain themselves and a separate economy free from leftist ideology. We wouldn't survive otherwise. Anyone who argues differently is either misguided, extremely naive, or is here under false pretenses. We need these companies to compete like hell against left leaning corporations and win.
Why you might ask?
"People are seeing a shift in corporate America having a lot of influence on politics," said Chrissi Bretz, the director of outreach at Public Sq., a database of conservative-oriented businesses. "We're seeing large corporations spending money on agendas."
"You shop your values," said Magda Khalifa, founder of Triangle Fragrance, a perfume company. "And if we just keep giving money to brands that do not represent our values — faith, family, freedom, all the things that have made America great — well, our country is going to evolve."
Reason: Inside the Weird World of Niche Conservative Businesses
There is a huge difference between shopping your values and supporting someone who fundamentally doesn't share your values. That stands true whether that business or individual you are supporting comes from the left and the right. This also stands true for who you work for. How can we say we don't support a WEF agenda when we continue to give the WEF and the companies that embrace it our efforts and hard work as employees?
Ultimately, Con Inc. isn't a free market. When you get to its core, what is it?
It has become a money-grubbing scam... and one that is totalitarian in the way it operates and disseminates ideas.
Con Inc. Values and Agenda
Con Inc. isn't bold. It isn't outspoken. It will toe the party line... unless voting otherwise will increase their cash flow. It won't talk about sensitive issues that might alienate its party base.
Though Conservative Inc. offers a variety of perspectives, they are all exceedingly careful if not downright cowardly regarding certain topics since the slightest misstep can produce excommunication from the world of respectability. Indeed, when it comes to being ever so sensitive about giving offense to “protected” groups such as gays and Hispanics, Conservative Inc. outshines the most rabid PC college snowflakes.
It is not that these taboo topics never arise within the boundaries of respectable conservatives but when they do, discussions are ever so delicate and overflow with euphemisms.
The Unz Review: The Wimps of Conservative Inc. Versus the Donald
And what is the easiest way to avoid these discussions?
How can Conservative Inc., like a restaurant catering to a tony clientele, shield itself from unwashed heretics inclined to raise taboo topics?
The easiest way to exclude the ideological hoi polloi is to make it expensive to partake of respectable conservatism.
The Unz Review: The Wimps of Conservative Inc. Versus the Donald
Ultimately, Con Inc. blacklists those that it doesn't deem fit and is unworthy. Instead of creating an atmosphere of honest debate, it exerts a type of authoritarian control — one forced upon the population through sometimes unconventional means.
It is important to note here why exactly President Trump has become the center of our movement. Literally, most of the Conservative base has been discarded. We are called the silent majority. But is that silence because we aren't speaking or is it because we are being largely ignored and discarded as unimportant? That silence has become deafening.
Given the current state of things, the base is quite naturally feeling mad, upset, besieged, disillusioned, bewildered and betrayed.
When President Trump stepped into the political limelight, was it any wonder that we loved him? Or why we loved him? Here was a man who listened when the rest of the establishment turned a deaf ear and pretended we didn’t exist except to vote. He listened when no one else would. And he wasn't going to maintain the way things were done. He wasn't going to engage in business as usual.
... both as a candidate and President [Trump] rejects the dishonesty (“bullshit,” to be technical) that is the ticket of admission to the respectable Right by refusing to embrace its bold-faced lies. He never apologizes and thus cannot be intimidated by the race hustlers, the social justice warriors and the neo-pagan environmentalist. He puts on a manly show that has not been seen in decades and so packs the house in fly-over country.
The Unz Review: The Wimps of Conservative Inc. Versus the Donald
So, of course, Trump had to go — by any means necessary. That was just as true back in 2016 as it is today. And if Con Inc. could take his base down with him, so be it. We were always replaceable in their eyes.
Never Trump: The Push For DeSantis
What is Con Inc.'s agenda? It isn't President Trump. It isn't this country. It isn't the Constitution. It isn’t you. It isn’t me. It is whatever best serves their needs. And they will push candidates and ideologies to fit those needs. These candidates will look like Conservatives, but are they?
Excerpts from the above video time stamps between 33:34 and 35:15
However, we also come to find out that the governor [Ron DeSantis] is running literally a shadow campaign for president and has been doing it this whole time even when he was running for governor.
Do you know how disappointing that is to find out? That is disappointing but it is also disgusting. Like you have been fooling all of us. Well, it feels like a betrayal, right?
Our heavy support of Ron DeSantis was how closely he matched Trump's America First Agenda.
DeSantis has never addressed that he hasn't had nice things to say about J6 defendants and gulags. He hasn't ever really made a comment in any kind of support to Donald Trump when the raid at Mar-a-Largo happened. So, you start looking at all these different things that had occurred and then you start asking yourself...
Wait a minute. When he was running for governor in 2018 like he was putting out videos about building the wall and positioning himself as quite literally an alternative Trump, if you will, for governor.
Now you look at the last two years and he's completely tried to disconnect himself from Trump. It's happened so subtly, and we haven't noticed... since he remained connected to MAGA. Then nobody realized that he really wasn't. He didn't have Trump's back over the last... two years.
If you haven't figured it out now, there is a plan to keep President Trump out of office at all costs. One might say that there are a couple. One from the left side of the aisle and another coming from inside the right.
We saw it with the RINO's, the Never Trumpers, the Lincoln Project, and so on. We hear about a conspiracy to this on the news. We talk about it online. We read articles about it. But I don't think any of us realize the depths to which these people will take to destroy our efforts.
Con Inc. Within MAGA
Con Inc. and the Red Pilled Antifa have seemingly joined forces to attack, discredit, and destroy a movement which spoke to many of us. They actively went out of their way to take down the one man who seemed to listen to the heartbeat of America. They have tried to slander most of the conservative base at every turn.
... the “Truther” movement which was condemned by the Conservative INC. as being radical and conspiracy theory.
We weren't the radical activists. We were just being slanderously labeled as such. What better way is there to destroy a grassroots movement? And one that was sweeping the nation.
A group of alt-right and “dissident right” activists have joined forces with neo-Nazis and others on the far-right fringes to attack conservatives who they feel aren’t true conservatives, both online and in person.
Sunday, for instance, members of this group heckled Donald Trump Jr. at an event in California. And conservative speakers have been beset by the “groypers” at events in Texas, Tennessee and Arizona as well.
This group, which calls itself the “groyper army” — “groyper” being a reference to a meme of Pepe the Frog, itself a meme overtaken by the alt-right — purports to be supporting “traditional values” within conservatism, like immigration restrictionism. And it argues that relatively mainstream conservative student groups like Turning Point USA need to be confronted because they are shutting down “socially conservative Christians and supporters of President Trump’s agenda” and promoting “degeneracy” by having gay speakers.
I just have one question. How could say you support President Trump's agenda in one breath and attack his son publicly in another?
Our Response
I am going to pause here. I don't want the signal to get lost in the noise. What should our response be to Red Pilled Antifa, Con Inc., and those who have been horribly manipulated by them?
First off, we don't let them win. If division and making us ineffective in this fight is the end goal, we need to fight back and ramp up our efforts. Unification within the MAGA movement should be key. Never forget what brought us to this point.
This is who we are.
We are an endless sea of people who love our country and its people.
For those that are the cause of such division, they can't cause division if no one is listening. If you don't give them an audience, they become irrelevant. They will disappear. Of course, new accounts can be made, and new personalities may appear. But we are learning how to identify them. As our knowledge grows, it will become much harder for these individuals to use these tools and tactics against us. If people can win against a $2 billion disinformation campaign making memes from mostly free software, we can win against this.
I must note at this point that the Proud Boys, in my humble opinion, responded appropriately to those individuals I have named in this series. They kicked them out. This is a prime example of taking away these people's audience and power executed correctly.
As a side note, has anyone noticed the change in narrative by the MSM regarding the Proud Boys since these members have been kicked out? Or is that just me?
How do we identify these individuals? By being nosey. We ask questions. Don't just settle for the generic responses. Get them to be specific in their answers. Those who don't believe, have the same vision, and don't know about our great country's history should be met with reservation. Red flags should be reserved for those whose views are vastly different, such as holding authoritarian views, views on a national religion, the limitations of free speech, etc.
What about those who have been manipulated by these operations? Well, this is the Great Awakening, isn't it? And what is our role in that Great Awakening? We should help others see the truth and be there to help them cope with the emotional fallout. We treat them as newly awakened.
What about grassroots efforts? Employ some risk management. Analyze where your efforts could be sabotaged and take steps to mitigate this damage before it happens. Having others play backup (like an understudy in a play) to key people can help strengthen your efforts. There may be some trial and error when doing this. But don't get discouraged.
We should actively seek to educate, arm ourselves with knowledge, learn to defend ourselves, and actively subvert these manipulations from being used against individuals. This is an information war which employs unconventional weapons. Our defenses need to be just as unconventional in order to stop the agents of chaos.
Don't let them win. If division is the goal, then our response should be a bold declaration of unification. That declaration should be clearly heard. It should be concise. It should not be misunderstood in its meaning. And it should be echoed by every single one of us.
If Someone Tells You Who They Are, Believe Them
How do you infiltrate a movement?
Project Chaney: Is it like some people are hiding in the badge of Christianity more than they are actual Christian?
MyMaria777: Oh! I think Christianity is a brand these days. Because inherently a great deal of this community might have ties to Christianity. Might be Christian. I don't know. But there is a great sect of that in this movement. I would guess. I think there are people out there who know better but intentionally choose to frame themselves as Christians because there is an audience for that.
Project Chaney: It's a proven audience. It's a proven audience of tried and true.
MyMaria777: You know. You post a couple Bible quotes a couple times a week and you'll just hook them.
Project Chaney: Do you think there is something to being able to get away with bad behavior repeatedly as long as you repent?
MyMaria777: Yes...
An excerpt from the 47th Proposition of MyMaria777 from Project Chaney Podcast shortly after time stamp 25:40
Lin Wood is rumored to be tightly connected to the Breb Room. Looking at the type of behavior he exhibits, do you think this is true? Are we seeing the same patterns from both the Breb Room and Lin Wood?
How do you discredit a movement?
“I might actually be Christ coming back for a second time in the form of an imperfect man, elevating Christ consciousness,” an extraordinary footnote quotes Wood telling his partners. “That cause you to have a little bit of a chill. Who would be more eloquent to say what the will of God is, the belief of God in me.”
Wood is said to have called himself the representative of various Biblical figures.
“I represent Moses,” Wood allegedly declared on tape. “I represent Ananias the believer. I’m like the power of King David. Now look you all, I told you I was going to pray tonight to my God, not to myself, because to me there’s God and there’s me.”
Do his words show a level of harassment, abuse, and portray threats? How do you force someone into inaction?
Let me tell you something you little snotty ass son of a bitch. Don’t write me back and tell me you’re taking care of your son. Your son’s looking into the eyes of a damn low life, cheating, lying, probably criminal defendant. How could you do this to your family, Taylor? The FBI’s not going to play around. You’ve all engaged in computer fraud. I don’t give a damn whether you did it or if Nicole did it. I know who did it, and you got [redacted] involved in it. You’ve ruined everybody’s life. You’re not going to get one thin dime from me. Sue me. I don’t think they allow you to file lawsuits like that when you’re behind bars. Somebody better call me, put their baby down, and give me the damn truth if there’s going to be any mercy shown by anybody for you, including the FBI, cause I’m one of their number one witnesses. [Redacted] is going to jail. Don’t go with him. Quit playing your games you snotty ass little bastard, you came in here and ran your damn mouth in my office and yelled at me. You’re lucky I’m not with you right now, Taylor, because I’d do to you what I’d do to [redacted] and I’d beat your ass with a switch till you couldn’t sit down for 20 fucking years.
You all better get on your knees and pray to Almighty God that He now asks me to show you mercy. If he does, I will show it, if he does not, I will deliver a fiery judgment against you on earth. Who the fuck did you think you were dealing with? You were screwing around me with, but I was someone else in disguise. You in fact have been screwing around with God Almighty. I am not God. You lied when you told others that I thought I was .... I am L. Lin Wood – the sole member of L. Lin Wood, P.C. The architect of the most masterful and powerful Valentine's Day massacre known in American history. The last one killed seven. Mine will ruin many more before it is over. Deservedly so.
Does he encourage local action, voting, and activism? How do you stop people from engaging in local action?
"They have not earned your vote," he said. "Don't you give it to them. Why would you go back and vote in another rigged election for God's sake! Fix it! You got to fix it!"
Does Lin Wood engage in doxing? How do you launch at attack against an opponent?
Lin Wood... decided to dox his own child last weekend for an unclear reason.
Wood made a post on the messenger app, Telegram, gave out the email address of his son, to whom he does not speak, with a bizarre request:
"If your heart moves you to write and express your stories of feelings of faith with him, perhaps it would help awaken him to the world outside Austin. I think he would benefit from the loving words from followers of Jesus Christ. Not a request to write him, but only a request to follow your heart."
Pro-Trump lawyer and major QAnon booster Lin Wood has urged hundreds of thousands of his supporters to dig up dirt on Georgia officials who will decide if he should be disbarred or not — and to help them in their research, Wood published the officials’ addresses on social media.
Vice News: Lin Wood Doxed Georgia Officials to Hundreds of Thousands of QAnon Supporters
Where does Lin Wood fall into all of this? Does he exhibit the same tactics we see used by others? I will let you decide.
Miami Against Fascism PSYOP?
In Part 2 of Con Inc. and the Red Pilled Antifa, I showed this image from the Telegram channel 4Doors.
If you notice, some of this information was coming from a Twitter account called Miami Against Fascism. It was later discovered that a PR firm may have been behind the account that was actively doxing, harassing, and attacking Florida Republicans, including people who were part of grassroots movements within the school systems. The information was then passed to both local and national news agencies.
A SERIES of tweets posted Monday suggest that the masterminds behind “Miami Against Fascism” —an anonymous far-left Twitter account that has defamed and harassed Florida Republicans, including mothers who oppose sexual indoctrination of children in schools — are allegedly Democrats Jenny Lee Molina and Sonia Diaz. Both are marketing and public relations specialists in Miami, Florida.
The revelation is important because the anonymous Twitter account was cited numerous times by the Miami Herald, The Miami New Times, and The New York Times. Diaz and Molina also have ties to the Democrat Party establishment, big business, and non-profit groups.
The anonymous account argues that it is dedicated to “exposing Miami’s far right.” Yet, it has been directing constant social media attacks on organizations such as Moms for Liberty, whose members fight to prevent the indoctrination of children in schools nationwide.
The account was allegedly linked to several employees at a Miama PR firm who amplified its messages.
Political observers have speculated about who is funding the Twitter account. However, details have just begun to emerge that point to ‘Miami Against Fascism as part of an elaborate effort to smear the GOP in South Florida thanks to its ties to public relations companies.
It’s unclear who is funding the ‘Miami Against Fascism account —if there is such funding — but as the group ‘Miami Young Republicans’ pointed out this morning, one of the account’s alleged administrators, Sonia Diaz, was a senior vice president at the Democratic PR firm Balsera Communications.
Diaz also represents the George Soros-backed effort to take over 18 Hispanic radio stations.
Balsera Communications also employs Julio Ligorría, a self-described “disinformation analyst” who has amplified the ‘Miami Against Fascism‘ account.
Tracking down these identities aren't always straightforward. I suggest reading the article above.
The PR firm linked to the account is Balsera Communications. The CEO of the company is Freddy Balsera, who worked for both the Obama and Clinton campaigns.
At Balsera Communications we enable our clients to achieve their business and political objectives...
Mr. Balsera truly goes out of his way to help meet his client's political objectives. He even went so far as to create a company to help launder money out of Argentina allegedly.
Freddy Balsera who founded a company called Global Development Consultants Inc. with Carlos Molinari, a businessman who’s been indicted in a massive financial scandal in Argentina. Global Development Consultants is mentioned on multiple occasions in Molinari’s indictment, and Argentine prosecutors believe it played a role in laundering money directly into the United States.
Observer: Clinton Surrogate Helped Get Argentine ‘Dirty Money’ Into the U.S.
Just how connected to the White House is Freddy Balsera?
Balsera is a lobbyist and PR consultant who runs Miami-based Balsera Communications, and he has a “unique proficiency” in peddling political narratives to the public, according to his bio page on the firm’s website. His partners at the PR firm include David Duckenfield, who took a leave from Balsera Communications to work in a senior job at the State Department under John Kerry between 2014 and 2016.
He’s also a director of Correct The Record, a Super PAC that closely coordinates with Hillary’s campaign and that put together a “rapid response team” that attacks Hillary’s critics. The group spent at least $1 million to target social media users and heavily pushed the “Bernie Bros” meme, which suggested that Sanders’ supporters were mostly deplorable misogynists.
Correct the Record was created by David Brock, the professional propagandist who also set up Media Matters.
Observer: Clinton Surrogate Helped Get Argentine ‘Dirty Money’ Into the U.S.
Does Balsera Communications engage in dark PR campaigns or Disinformation for Hire campaigns? There is a lot more that could be said about Freddy Balsera and Balsera Communications that I haven't included here. However, I think enough has been said that you can make that judgment call yourself.
Today, Balsera Communications is regarded nationally as a first-tier public affairs firm.
PSYOP On True The Vote?
Did anyone else see the Arizona testimony regarding mortgage fraud? It was quite good and quite the bombshell. Now, I don't know about you, but for me it would take a few years to pay off a mortgage — barring that I was the recipient of a sudden windfall of cash, such as the lottery or being a beneficiary when a family member died.
NOTE: It is against my personal ethics to actively dox someone. Therefore, I am going to creatively edit any identifying information on these particular documents. But these documents are the public mortgage records for Lala Beamz (an alias), who is also known as Exposing Flynn Networks on Truth Social and Telegram. They are available for anyone who cares to look via the internet.
Excerpt from Lala Beamz (Podcaster), PaWL BaZiLe (Producer, Radio Deadly w/ Michale Graves), Tucker (MTM, Shotcast) | Bobby Pickles’ Podcast Ep 192 at the 0:19:00 timestamp:
Lala Beamz: I live in Saint Pete. Not Tampa though.
Bobby Pickles: I always say Tampa. I don't say Tampa Bay. You know, Tampa.
On August 20, 2017, Lala Beamz (an alias), who is also known as Exposing Flynn Networks on Truth Social and Telegram, bought a house in Florida. This was recorded into public records on September 1, 2017.
These public records are slightly incorrect though. She didn't buy the property for $10. She paid $172,900.
Needless to say, there was no mortgage on the house at the time. It was paid off.
On May 19, 2022, Lala Beamz (an alias), who is also known as Exposing Flynn Networks on Truth Social and Telegram, took out a mortgage on her home (at the same address) and refinanced it for $228,200.
On June 2, 2022, 14 days later, that mortgage of $228,200 was paid off by an unknown party through a bank.
What happened around this time? Could this money have paid for something?
Well, one thing I did notice is that the documentary 2000 Mules came out at this time. It was released on May 2, 2022. What might have drawn my attention to this fact?
Well, this was the dialogue that was going on in the Breb Room on Telegram.
What might have possibly happened to have caused the narrative to shift focus and change?
Could the money have been paid launch a Disinformation for Hire campaign to attack True The Vote, Gregg Phillips, and/or Catherine Engelbrecht? Or was the money for something else entirely? Could this just be an innocent misunderstanding where someone managed to pay off their $228,200 refinanced mortgage within 14 days... through a bank... without being named on the public county records?
Could there be someone else behind the scenes that we haven't seen yet?
Part 5 Coming Soon! There is no stopping now...
Special Thanks...
First, this goes out to all the targeted individuals. I know you didn't know what was going on at the time. I hope this helps you find some answers and that it allows you to heal and continue fighting. You are heroes in my book. And thank you to those who are speaking out. Your bravery is inspiring.
I am going to take a moment before Part 5 to say thank you to a few people for helping me with this series. These people stepped up, researched, and pointed things out without even realizing what they were contributing to. All the links below are to their Truth Social accounts. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Each one of you are rock stars in my eyes.
For believing in me and pushing me PunishDem1776. You are the best big brother ever.
For random conversations that led to the light bulb moments:
For contributing with research, you didn't know you were contributing:
Bullzeye (aka utism) who is the owner of the Telegram channel 4Doors.
MGshow with shadygrooove and intheMatrixxx
For being some of the most amazing researchers out there. I know I've thrown some random things at you, and you all took it in stride without seeing the big picture. Thank you for having faith in me and helping me.
For making an audio version of the substack: realPepeClifton
For helping me publish to other news sites: TheBigMig with George Balloutine and Lance Migliaccio
For helping me look through logs: RainbowFairy
This wouldn’t have been made possible without each one of you.
Great job. Looking forward to the next installment.
You’re simply amazing!