I totally agree with Mr. Wembley. Common sense isn't so common.

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Wembley’s life sounds much like my own. Especially where post secondary education is concerned. My parents berated me about homework, knowing my multiplication tables, and American history. Most important, though, was reading scripture and being involved in our church.

All of these values have been lost in most homes. High school graduates can’t even give you the correct change when you use cash instead of plastic to purchase an item. History? ROFLMAO - Do they even know when the first settlers landed at Plymouth Beach? I doubt it. Family History is rarely in their minds, let alone that of our Nation or the World.

Parents need to become more involved. Stop letting these corrupt educators and online platforms condition our children into a life of slavery. Hat off to Mr Wembley. He shares a story every parent, child and American citizen needs to hear.

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“…teaching of needed technical skills to prosper in our society have given way to social engineering.” Exactly!!

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