Thank you. This is clear, helpful and affirming. I had to explain this to our daughter (high school) a few weeks back when she asked questions of me about why we (U.S.) do not have a popular vote. This post is affirming because I think I got it right. I positioned my Electoral College response as being most fair for all states in the union. What I learned just now is that it's always been that way since before our nation was formed. Fascinating and encouraging

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Wembley is awesome. I am waiting for him to finish his next article.

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Now if we could get all the idiots to read this maybe they would understand, and then again it's hard to get through to most of the left. Very good read, thanks Lizzy

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Great explanation, thank you. As a Brit, I had no idea how your US system worked so now I know a little more. Life is indeed a journey of discovery and each day that passes after 80 years still holds me in awe of how little I know. :-) https://www.techtarget.com/searchenterpriseai/definition/knowledge-engineering

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“…how little I know…”. The definition of wisdom!

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The beginning of undermining the Founders' setup was the 17th Amendment when the Senators became elected by popular vote. It would have been more representative of each state to leave their appointments by state legislators for a more accurate representation of the state.

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“Eliminating the Electoral College and using national poplar voting to select the President and Vice President makes as much sense as eliminating the U.S. Congress and have all laws approved by popular vote.“

I’m especially enamored of the second part of that sentence…ELIMINATE THE U.S. CONGRESS! At least if all laws were approved by popular vote, we’d have something that actually resembles representation, instead of a bunch of bought & paid for politicians who care more about filling their pockets than actually doing what we elected them for.

PS - Wembley for President! 😉

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That’s why there is a push by the political elites to get rid of the electoral college. Then the illegals will be given citizenship to win the popular vote. Majority vote will remove the minority voice. That’s what they mean by democracy. We must remove existing politicians and vote in new elections. Critical at this venture is to return to our constitutional republic roots.

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