Lizzy, does Pun have info on Susan Rice? He’s been linked to young Obummer to - as his first husband - pre transition—— IdK but Pun would know….

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So I asked. He said he does. It was in one of the notebooks he hasn't sent yet.

Figures. Lol

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Interesting question. I know I went through and sort of post-it noted his notebooks but I can't recall anything off the top of my head.

I can certainly ask him though.

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Always thought the O’Bummers were odd. This makes perfect sense.

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The whole story makes me ill. Mainly that the powers that be, put these weirdos in position to ruin America.

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It’s the lies…. They do it for pleasure - that’s what turns my stomach

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"I met Barack Obama on the Mars Missions"


My impression is the NSA sent him to Mars in order to classify his background under the 1947 National Security Act.

Homosexuality was programmed into Obama by the NSA. I have no idea why--perhaps because in the NWO timeline they wanted, everyone had to be gay or trans for total government control of reproduction. They were planning on crowning Michael president of whatever was left of the country after Clinton's reign of terror.

"Fake and CIA: The Obama's real background"


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Wowza, Thank you for asking. Looking forward to a “Barry And Who?” Potential additional Installment -keep’em coming!

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Who thinks Big Mike will run for President? Not me - his duplicitous life has been exposed? Another amazing report, thank you and keep it up! ❤️

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