This is the next installment of original research done by PunishDem1776. The idea behind publishing this to substack was to make this information available through other media sources in order to preserve it for future generations. It is Punisher's request that this information remains free to the public for future generations. This is his life's work. His legacy. It is his gift to us all.
The original thread which this material is based on was posted by PunishDem1776 to Truth Social and to X (formerly Twitter). This links into research Punisher and I have done surrounding GRAY STATE. These are the threads made about this topic:
GRAY STATE (Written by Punisher)
GRAY STATE: Agenda 2030 (Written by Punisher)
GRAY STATE: Endgame (Written by Punisher)
GRAY STATE: Introduction (Written by me)
The only changes I have made was correcting typos and sentence structure for ease of reading. I also added the links to the individual posts that was put in this thread.
The Greatest Movie Never made and The American Holocaust
Movie producer David Crowley, along with his wife and child, were murdered before the release of the film GRAY STATE.
GRAY STATE is based on real events and examines the government propaganda leading America into a New World Order. This includes food shortages, microchips, censorship, a pandemic, FEMA Camps, and government tyranny as planned by the Illuminati.
These events lead towards the end of the 16 year plan to destroy America under Obama.
The Message
Most would say that GRAY STATE is just a movie concept. But was it? Or was it a warning?
After events such as Pearl Harbor, the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, and Covid, people are coming to the realization that government sees them as nothing more than cattle.
As documented in the New World Order Agenda 2030, Georgia Guidestones, and the World Economic Forum, their goal is to reduce population to maintain control. But how far will they go?
World War III, Depopulation, and Jade Helm
Source: SGT Report: Obama's Puppet's WW3 — Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet
The Agenda
First they censored us. Then they locked us up in our homes. Then they forced a death jab onto us. So would it be too far to think they won’t spill our blood on our own soil?
Documented in the United Nations' Agenda 2030 (the New World Order) is to eliminate private property and force society into dense Smart Cities (concentration camps) in order to survey and control the public.
Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.”
Based on this document, we may postulate that the trigger event which will catalyze a “staged and managed” civil war in the U.S., might consist of a nuclear war originating in the Middle East. Regardless, of the nature of the (pre-planned) trigger event, it could be of sufficient magnitude to cause the Jade Helm 15 cum UWEX 16 operations to “go live,” thereby initiating the Second American Civil War and the massive and pre-planned genocide of most of the American population. If this occurs, we can be sure that the authors of this event are individuals within the “Synagogue of Satan.”
Not all Americans are asleep to the profoundly criminal nature of the world’s controlling elite. The following four articles, the first three of which are by Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, describe of the potential magnitude of the threat to all Americans posed by Jade Helm 15 and UWEX 16. What should be the response to these monstrous drills by atrocious and unconstitutional military drills on American soil that target entire states (including Texas and Utah) as “hostile” “enemy?” Insightful comments follow each of the articles below.
In order to Achieve this they would need strategically placed FEMA Camps across the country. Camps that were large and connected by tunnels. This is Jade Helm.
Under Obama in 2015, the military operation called Jade Helm, which was started in Texas, spread nationwide through the acquisition of several Walmarts. These Walmarts were immediately closed, gutted and reinforced with prison features to house the non-compliant.
Jade Helm
Jade Helm was designed or built for domestic war under Obama. These camps included guillotines and 300,000 disposable coffins.
Jade Helm Locations
Source: Rumble: WalMart Was Planned & Prepared as FEMA Prison Camps - Code Name Jade Helm
Jade Helm Food Shortage
Source: Rumble: Shocking: Is This Where They Hiding The Food!!? | Food Shortages | SHTF
Jade Helm Martial Law
Source: Rumble: Has The Military Industrial Complex Seized Power Through Jade Helm 23? JustInformed News #280
Executive Orders FEMA
12148 - Bulk of budget used for construction of underground facilities
12656 - Increase of domestic intelligence and surveillance on us citizens
10990 - Control of transportation and travel
10995 - Seize control of media
10997 - Take control of power, gas, fuels and minerals
10998 - Take control of food resources and farms
11000 - Allows Gov to mobilize civilians into Brigades under Gov supervision
11001 - Allows Gov to take over health, education and welfare
11002 - Postmaster registration for all persons
11003 - Take control over Airports, personal and commercial
11004 - Authorities to control housing and relocate communities
11051 - EOs effective for domestic, economic or financial crises applied
LinkedIn: Executive Orders You Should Know About by Aaron Koshko
National Archives: Office of Federal Register (OFR): Executive Orders
We don’t live under a Dictatorship. But we do live in a Police State. And as history portrays, that’s one step away.
You are witnessing Statism. Define Statism.
Statism - Military Is the Only Way
What is the GRAY STATE?
Gray State was a documentary on the rise of Tyranny in America.
A documentary about Americas current militarized police state, the liberal use of deadly force against unarmed citizens, and a possible pending economic collapse. The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic collapse while Americans continue to submerge themselves in illusions of safety and immunity. While rights are sold for security, the federal government, swollen with power, begins a systematic takeover of liberty in order to bring about a New World Order. Fear mongering, terrorism, police state, martial law, war, arrest, internment, hunger oppression, and violence resistance. Neighbor is turned against neighbor as the value of the dollar plunges to zero, food supplies are depleted, and everyone becomes a terror suspect. There are arrests. Disappearances. Bio attacks. Public executions of those even suspected of dissent. Even rumors of concentration camps on American soil. The GRAY STATE is here It always was.
By consent or conquest.
Before you react to this thread, before you agree or disagree, I urge you to do your own research. Find the truth yourself. But always keep in mind what history has taught us, what the Enemy is truly capable of, and what their endgame is.
Total Enslavement... Trump delayed this agenda. The only way to prevent it is to put him back in office.
To them, you are "Useless Eaters."
"You will own nothing and be happy."
The Enemy will pursue their agenda at any cost. Welcome to the War!
BONUS: Secret Government
This goes deeper than you can imagine.
Why is Government, Media, Hollywood, Big Tech and Big Pharma always on the same page?
What is their true agenda and why do they fear us so much?
We are being run by an Illuminati Government Criminal Cartel. How many coincidences before it’s mathematically impossible?
Libertas on Truth Social shows a perfect example of this cult commitment.
Here is the video from that post.
Know your Enemy.
Most of these are well known vids from a few years back. Still chillingly relevant. Just wanted you to know that none of them had audio. God Protect us all. ST Micheal Defend us in Battle✝️
corrections need to be made on the Jade Helm section. those walmarts were not for FEMA camps...they were for illegal alien shelters...thats how they are being used now:
Wonder where they are going? using the under ground tunnels to smuggle them out.