I swore up and down I wouldn't write another part in the Con Inc. and the Red Pilled Antifa series. It has brought me and mine nothing but attacks, harassment, death threats, and trouble. Obviously, I was disingenuous with myself and others. When I observe what is going on around me and see the patterns of these groups, I can't help but be true to who I am.
Let's be honest, I write what I see and what I'm passionate about. I'm passionate about this movement, its success, and its well-being. I'm invested in it.
If you haven't read Parts 1-5 of this substack series, I suggest you do so before proceeding with this article.
Part 1: Disinformation and Chaos for Hire
Part 2: Agents of Chaos and the Rabbit Hole That Led Me To Them
Part 3: Connections of Chaos and The Red Pilled Antifa
Part 4: Con Inc and Money for Chaos
Part 5: The Architects of Chaos
If the election was stolen, would it make sense for plans to be made to keep that from being discovered and effectively reversed? Do you honestly think their plans stopped at just stealing an election? It wouldn't be enough just to steal it. They had to keep it after it was stolen.
How far do you think the powers that be would take this? How far do you think this rabbit hole could go?
And when their operations start to crumble, what exactly does this look like?
With those questions in mind, let's begin...
What Is Reality?
What is Reality?
Who is right? How much do you think you know? Is everything bias? Who creates the science and statistics? Is what we see vs what we hear the same? Does purpose justify outcome?
No matter how Awakened you are, this video will make you question everything, including yourself.
What is reality? This seems like a rather easy question to answer. Most people would bypass this post thinking it some philosophical or existential question not related to the events going on in the world around them. And they couldn't be more wrong.
So much of what we read, believe, and pass on isn't real. I don't think people are aware of just how widespread these disinformation campaigns go. Only when you start to question whether or not you are being told the truth and whether or not you are in the middle of a PSYOP, can you start seeing the truth.
While I don't agree with the ending to this video, it does highlight just how widespread this problem is and just how deep the problem goes.
Even though this video is very good at emphasizing some important issues, I am not going to disseminate the entire video. However, I would like to point out some highlights as they apply to this particular part of the story.
Lies, Half-Truths, Gossip and Bias
The first issue is that a lie or fake news will spread much farther and faster than the truth ever will.
A couple of excerpts regarding fake news...
A MIT study found fake news spreads six times faster than true news. And online in particular, where anyone can post anything with virtually no consequences, it’s no wonder that the media we consume is infested with lies.
As printed news died out and they lost their loyal subscribers, they faced a new sea of competition online, and so the click bait arms race began. After all, the business model of the news and the media is selling your attention to advertisers. You are the product and they have to keep you watching, reading, clicking. Keep you consumed. Their primary goal is not to deliver the most accurate news, it's to attract more attention and make more money. And it's been proven that polarizing stories perform best.
And that’s just when the goal is money. What about when powerful groups plant fake news stories to deliberately pit us against each other and create a certain narrative? Or countries who plant fake stories to influence elections? It’s no wonder fake news is so prevalent when there is so much money and power to be gained from manipulating us like this.
And even when these false stories get debunked, the damage is already done, because enough people will have already read and believed the lies, and the truth just isn’t as exciting so it doesn’t spread as widely.
The problem is that sensationalism will receive more attention than the truth. We want to believe, or at least be entertained by, the extreme. Therefore, this is what we consume and read the most. Disinformation campaigns count on this. They count on the chaos and drama they create. They count on it to keep you entertained, interested and invested in continuing to be part of that campaign. These campaigns are modeled to take advantage of the some of the worst behavior of human nature — gossip.
We also have the issue of half-truths and bias.
Even if it’s the most honest journalist trying to be fair and impartial, they’ve been indoctrinated just like the rest of us, and have their own subconscious biases, even if it’s not intentional. Their choice of wording and what to include is unavoidably going to have bias. Their world view will always influence what they show you and how they say it.
We’re not just battling fake news, we’re battling human psychology.
And what is that human psychology that we are battling?
... We want our worldview to make sense, and so we instinctively seek out and believe the information that aligns with our views, and disregard the rest. And this is just one of many cognitive biases we all have that makes us care less about the accuracy of the information, and care more about us being right.
So this isn't just about our personal biases. It is also about preconceived notions and wanting to be right about them. People have issues admitting when they are wrong. The desire to be right is just human nature.
How does social media play into this?
Just like with the media, these social platforms know that polarizing and controversial content performs best - the stuff that triggers an emotional reaction in people. Reliability is not a factor in the algorithm cares about.
And this helps fuel the huge divide between us all. Everyone’s feed is different and tailored to them and their beliefs. You essentially get put in an echo chamber that shows you the articles that align with your views and articles that dismiss the alternatives. And because these social platforms are tracking everything you click, read and see, the algorithm very quickly learns exactly how to keep you there longer, which in turn makes you become and more entrenched in your beliefs, leaving you to wonder ‘how can the other side be so stupid?
This problem compounds further when you start to realize that internet sites, even trusted sources, are less concerned with the truth and more concerned with generating traffic... or in most cases, money. In some cases, this can translate into simple clicks and traffic. In other cases, the source of that income can become much more sinister in nature. I am sure this will be important to remember later on.
Playbook: Operation Disruption
In 2014, it was discovered that GCHQ (UK's Government Communications Headquarters) published a 4 page slideshow presentation to Five Eyes called 'GCHQ DISTRUST Operational Playbook.'
For clarification, GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters)"is an intelligence and security organization responsible for providing signals intelligence (SIGINT) and information assurance (IA) to the government and armed forces of the United Kingdom." Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) is a unit of the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters). This agency became known with the Edward Snowden leaked documents. Five Eyes is the joint intelligence agency alliance comprising of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The NSA defines signals intelligence (SIGINT) as:
SIGINT involves collecting foreign intelligence from communications and information systems and providing it to customers across the U.S. government, such as senior civilian and military officials. They then use the information to help protect our troops, support our allies, fight terrorism, combat international crime and narcotics, support diplomatic negotiations, and advance many other important national objectives.
NSA collects SIGINT from various sources, including foreign communications, radar and other electronic systems.
The Director of National Intelligence defines information assurance (IA) as:
Measures that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non- repudiation. These measures include providing for restoration of information systems by incorporating protection, detection, and reaction capabilities.
DISRUPTION Operational Playbook
Infiltration Operation
Ruse Operation
Set Piece Operation
False Flag Operation
False Rescue Operation
Disruption Operation
Sting Operation
Remember the main focus of these agencies and their operations.
These agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.
These goals were further outlined in the DISTRUST Operational Playbook.
Effects: Definition
"Using online techniques to make something happen in the real or cyber world"
Two broad categories:
Information Ops (influence or disruption)
Technical disruption
Known in GCHQ as Online Covert Action (OCA)
The 4 D's: Deny / Disrupt / Degrade / Deceive
And how do these agencies do this exactly?
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.
Discredit a target
Set up a honey-trap
Change their photos on social networking sites
Write a blog purporting to be one of their victims
Email/text their colleagues, neighbors, friends, etc.
Discredit a company
Leak confidential information to companies /the press via blogs etc.
Post negative information on appropriate forums
Stop deals / ruin business relationships
How extreme are these operations?
To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums.
And finally who exactly are targeted during these operations?
Critically, the “targets” for this deceit and reputation-destruction extend far beyond the customary roster of normal spycraft: hostile nations and their leaders, military agencies, and intelligence services. In fact, the discussion of many of these techniques occurs in the context of using them in lieu of “traditional law enforcement” against people suspected (but not charged or convicted) of ordinary crimes or, more broadly still, “hacktivism”, meaning those who use online protest activity for political ends.
The title page of one of these documents reflects the agency’s own awareness that it is “pushing the boundaries” by using “cyber offensive” techniques against people who have nothing to do with terrorism or national security threats, and indeed, centrally involves law enforcement agents who investigate ordinary crimes.
It is not difficult to see how dangerous it is to have secret government agencies being able to target any individuals they want – who have never been charged with, let alone convicted of, any crimes – with these sorts of online, deception-based tactics of reputation destruction and disruption.
In 2008, Cass Sunstein, a Harvard Law School Professor and President Obama's closest confidant, proposed this in an academic paper titled 'Conspiracy Theories':
Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-”independent” advocates to “cognitively infiltrate” online groups and websites — as well as other activist groups — which advocate views that Sunstein deems “false conspiracy theories” about the Government. This would be designed to increase citizens’ faith in government officials and undermine the credibility of conspiracists.
Sunstein advocates that the Government’s stealth infiltration should be accomplished by sending covert agents into “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups.” He also proposes that the Government make secret payments to so-called “independent” credible voices to bolster the Government’s messaging (on the ground that those who don’t believe government sources will be more inclined to listen to those who appear independent while secretly acting on behalf of the Government). This program would target those advocating false “conspiracy theories,” which they define to mean: “an attempt to explain an event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role.”
What exactly did Sunstein propose?
First, responding to more rather than fewer conspiracy theories has a kind of synergy benefit: it reduces the legitimating effect of responding to any one of them, because it dilutes the contrast with unrebutted theories. Second, we suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of those who subscribe to such theories.
SSRN: Conspiracy Theories by Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule
An Uncensored article titled 'Obama Staffer Wants Cognitive Infiltration Of 9/11 Conspiracy Groups' breaks down that second goal quite succinctly.
Unpack it. Work your way through the language and the intent. Imagine the application. What do we learn?
It is “extremists” who “supply” “conspiracy theories.”
Their “hard core” must be “broken up” with distinctive tactics.
What tactics? “Infiltration” (“cognitive”) of groups with questions about official explanations or obfuscations or lies.
Who is to infiltrate? “Government agents or their allies,” virtually (i.e. on-line) or in “real-space” (as at meetings), and “either openly or anonymously,” though “infiltration” would imply the latter.
What will these agents do? Undermine “crippled epistemology” — one’s theory and technique of knowledge.
How will they do this? By “planting doubts” which will “circulate.”
Will these doubts be beneficial? Certainly. Because they will introduce “cognitive diversity.”
Put into English, what Sunstein is proposing is government infiltration of groups opposing prevailing policy.
By planting doubts which will circulate.
Most people will not look into a source or double check the truthfulness of a statement before spreading it. They don't do their due diligence. They allow their biases to help them to form an opinion and they run with it. It doesn't matter that the truth comes out later. That doubt will always remain. The damage is already done.
Recall last November the amount of damage a single individual did advancing the claim Jon Herold and Kate Awakening were MOSSAD.
Based on an old address result from a notoriously inaccurate website.
That personal vendetta was passed off as “protecting the community”.
Most of those sowing division and chaos in the community are using fake claims to advance personal vendettas.
The only good news is a lot more folks have figured that out & now avoid the trickery.
How do you keep an election once you have already stolen it? You plant disinformation, doubts, and sabotage every effort to keep the theft from coming to light. Some agents will be plants to discredit every effort. Some agents will be in place to actively sabotage the hard work of genuine efforts.
And who is the target? It doesn't need to be the actual people in charge of said election integrity efforts. The target could be you and me. If enough doubt is placed in our minds, every effort made to ensure election integrity won't gain traction, attention, or notice. The election will remain stolen.
What happens when the disinformation comes from a seemingly reliable source?
Scamming Clients and Unreliable Reliable Sources
Dun & Bradstreet. Anyone who has done business deals between corporations, owned a business, or might have had experience trading on the stock market has heard of this company.
Their Wikipedia page states:
The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation is an American company that provides commercial data, analytics, and insights for businesses. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, the company offers a wide range of products and services for risk and financial analysis, operations and supply, and sales and marketing professionals, as well as research and insights on global business issues. It serves customers in government and industries such as communications, technology, strategic financial services, and retail, telecommunications, and manufacturing markets. Often referred to as D&B, the company's database contains over 500 million business records worldwide.
Those products and services that Dun & Bradstreet offers include (but is not limited to):
Credit Intelligence
Hoover (which is a tool used for business to business prospecting and financing)
Credit Risk Management
Global Trade Program
Small Business Financial Exchange
D-U-N-S Number
The most important service they provide in that list is probably the D-U-N-S Number. Per Dun & Bradstreet's webpage titled What Is a D-U-N-S Number and Why Do I Need It?
The Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S Number is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses that is associated with a business’s Live Business Identity which may help evaluate potential partners, seek new contracts, apply for loans, and so much more.
Dun & Bradstreet further explains the importance of the D-U-N-S Number for businesses in this section.
The number itself contains no data or implies nothing about the stability, creditworthiness, or diversity of a business. However, it is a key that can be used to unlock data that helps a business do their due diligence and arrive at their own conclusion about that potential partner’s stability, creditworthiness or compliance with supplier diversity or other standards.
You may be asked to provide your company’s D-U-N-S Number when:
Applying for a loan with a financial institution
Applying for credit with a business partner
Applying to become a vendor or supplier of a company
Bidding on contracts locally, or even internationally
In short, anytime you want to make sure that a potential partner, supplier or customer gets a complete and more accurate story about your business, making sure you have a D-U-N-S Number and an up-to-date Live Business Identity is key.
In short, they provide a very important service to businesses during their financial transactions. So one might conclude that the information that Dun & Bradstreet provides has been historically and is currently accurate without any disinformation or misinformation that might potentially hurt a business. They are largely regarded as a credible source for information.
Except, they aren't.
In January 2022, a complaint was brought to the Federal Trade Commission against Dun & Bradstreet.
Dun & Bradstreet were marketing a series of services and products to correct bad reporting that was being done via their website.
12. Respondent also offers various paid products to small and mid-sized affected businesses, purportedly to help them monitor, manage, and improve their own credit reports. Respondent uses the term “credit-on-self” to describe these products, as they purportedly allow an affected business to monitor, and have information added to, its own credit report, including information that would correct or supplement the information reported by Respondent.
13. Respondent’s “credit-on-self” products have included products called CreditBuilder, CreditBuilder Plus, and CreditBuilder Premium and related products or services, including Credit Essentials, a product that includes CreditBuilder features. Collectively, these “credit-on-self” products are referred to herein as “CreditBuilder Line products.”
And they were charging a lot of money in order to correct these errors — anywhere from $899 to $2,499 a year.
37. For annual subscriptions, the current list price for the basic CreditBuilder product is $899, for CreditBuilder Plus it is $1,499, and for CreditBuilder Premium it is $1,999. Respondent sometimes charges an additional $149 one-time activation fee at the time of purchase.
38. In approximately August 2017, Respondent introduced Credit Essentials for $1,599 per year. Credit Essentials included access to two products, the basic CreditBuilder product and Respondent’s Credit Reporter product, which, among other things, allowed a subscriber to monitor the reports of five other companies.
39. In approximately April 2018, Respondent stopped selling the Credit Essentials product described in Paragraph 38 above and began offering a new Credit Essentials product (sometimes referred to as Credit Essentials Plus) for $2,499 per year. This new Credit Essentials product combined features of CreditBuilder Premium and Credit Reporter.
As you read through you find out that correcting these errors to company information wasn't a simple solution. Dun & Bradstreet never made these corrections.
In a complaint first announced in January 2022, the Commission alleged that many businesses have complained of errors in these reports that have cost them time, expense, and opportunities. The Commission alleged that Dun & Bradstreet failed to give these businesses a clear, consistent, and reliable process to get these errors fixed.
How bad are the errors? Well... I have a few screenshots of samples.
Tucker Carlson has the title "Most Dangerous Anchor In America" at a company called Rantt, Inc. And while that may or may not be true (I will leave that determination up to my reader), he apparently holds the title "President Trump" at a company called Roaring Fork Public Radio Inc.
But then, Mike Lindell holds the same title of "President Trump" at Canyon News.
That's not all.
I am not sure who Jonathan Malin is but I am pretty sure he is breathing a sigh of relief that he held the title "Not The Worst Air Traffic Control Specialist" at both the Federal Aviation Administration and Malibu Mirage Safety and Training Foundation Inc. I am not sure if that job title is an accomplishment or not.
Joseph Kennedy may or may not agree that "Biden Was Second Worst Secret Service Assignment."
At least Dun & Bradstreet got Anthony Fauci's title right. So the information isn't all corrupted and wrong.
The Perfect Storm
What happens when you combine everything listed above? You create a perfect storm. However, this particular one was a complete and utter failure.
In Part 4 of the Con Inc and the Red Pilled Antifa series, I pointed out that there was an operation being run against Gregg Phillips, Catherine Engelbrecht, and True the Vote. What is outlined below is an extension of that operation being played out. (In fact, if you look at their Wikipedia pages, you can see some of the obvious slant against these individuals and organization.)
There has been a group of people who have continually attacked True the Vote and election integrity efforts. Some of their most recent attacks include creating fake Zoom info profile which was created in order to dox Catherine Engelbrecht. This fake profile tied her to Konnech, which is a company that True the Vote has been in numerous lawsuits against. For example...
UndercoverDC: Konnech v. True the Vote: Another Witness Comes Forward
Screenshots were then posted on other social media sites in order to spread her non-public personal information.
Notice the date that this profile was last changed — 3/14/2023 at 2:35 am. Also, notice the number of employees for this profile — 17 employees.
This was quickly called out by the very people who launched the next attack. The assumption is that in calling out fake news, it would add to these individuals' credibility. This was soon followed up with the below graphic which included a fake LinkedIn profile that was created for Catherine Engelbrecht.
In the image there was an image of the fake LinkedIn profile which alleged that Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips were connected to a company called Covert Industries.
Started a defense contracting business from the ground up and developed sales exceeding $4.5 million annually within the first 4 years of inception through uncompromising integrity and strong leadership.
And then the narrative was built regarding this which claimed Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht were arms dealers.
#YouAreFinished Gregg Phillips and True The Vote #ArmsDealers
How much are you making in Ukraine right now?
#CovertIndustries small-business logistics and supply chain serving US DoD and Aerospace Industries, specializing in the manufacturing and sales of mission critical parts primarily for military ground support vehicles, missiles and aircraft support units.
This is the fake LinkedIn company profile for Covert Industries, Ltd. which was tied to the fake Catherine Engelbrecht LinkedIn profile.
Notice the number of followers — 17 followers. I am sure that is just a coincidence.
This is the additional information that was shown for the fake company LinkedIn profile for Covert Industries. The website address is fake.
The trusted and reliable source for information Dun & Bradstreet was where all of this information for fake profiles originated from.
Once the fake information was posted up, the attacks didn't stop there. They doubled-down.
Paulmuaddib61: Hey [Godsgal]. Feel free to add me to that police report. You have all my real info and can give to the police as an emergency contact.
Godsgal: I did. They asked me if I have met you in person. I said no, but I have spoken to you on the phone and I had your number. I showed them the info of yours and said that it was you who took the pictures personally and it was your who found the arms info on Catherine and was helping me! If they wanted to speak to you I would ask you and give them your info. So, now I know if they call I can give it to them. Thank you buddy! They did say get a lawyer for the civil part (defamation).
Paulmuaddib61: Right on! See look at that. Minds in sync so much that we don't even need to speak or text.
There is an assumption that this was posted publicly instead of in direct messages or through phone calls/text messages in order to sell the narrative even more.
Just to recap, fake information was fed through what people assumed was a reliable source. This information was never verified other than through the creation of a few fake social media profiles. It was then posted up as being factual. Readers let their bias influence whether they thought the information was correct or not. It quickly became click bait. And the lie spread faster than the truth.
What is the reality?
There is actually a Covert Industries who has defense contracts with the Department of Defense. The CEO for this company is Randall Mosser. It is based in Texas. It has a little less than 100 employees. They do indeed make parts for tanks and airplanes. But for all I know, they could be making rearview mirrors and fuzzy dice to hang off of them. I could not find a website for the company.
I found this information by looking through what government Department of Defense contracts were awarded to Covert Industries.
Good morning - just a quick check in to confirm I'm aware of the fictional Dun and Bradstreet / LinkedIn acct info being posted about me. Our attorneys know too.
1. It is true I have an FFL license to sell guns and ammo should I want to. I've never used it, but I do have it
2. I am not, nor is Gregg Phillips, affiliated with "Covert Industries"
3. The info is 100% false (other than my name, which is actually...wait for it ...Catherine Engelbrecht)
So. Stupid.
Your fave fictional gun runner-
Catherine Engelbrecht's name was never mentioned in relationship with Covert Industries... except by Dun & Bradstreet, who also thinks Elon Musk's job title includes "Threat To Fire Associate", and the very recently created social media profiles.
Sources and Further Reading:
Many of these leaked documents these articles are referencing came from the Edward Snowden papers.
SSRN: Conspiracy Theories by Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule
Note: PDF available for download.
Salon: Obama Confidant’s Spine-Chilling Proposal
NOTE: I understand this is from a left leaning news source. But I highly recommend reading it in full. The author's conclusion was this:
But it’s precisely because the Government is so often not “well-motivated” that such powers are so dangerous. Advocating them on the ground that “we will use them well” is every authoritarian’s claim. More than anything else, this is the toxic mentality that consumes our political culture: when our side does X, X is Good, because we’re Good and are working for Good outcomes. That was what led hordes of Bush followers to endorse the same large-government surveillance programs they long claimed to oppose, and what leads so many Obama supporters now to justify actions that they spent the last eight years opposing.
The Guardian: Leaked Memos Reveal GCHQ Efforts To Keep Mass Surveillance Secret
NBC News: War on Anonymous: British Spies Attacked Hackers, Snowden Docs Show
NBC News: Snowden Docs: British Spies Used Sex and 'Dirty Tricks'
Not surprised at all to see some of the usual suspects in the middle of yet another fake op targeting patriots.
Brilliant. Especially on GP and CE. All the fake connections and info. I cant believe people will stoop to those levels. I really feel sorry for them. Damn your smart Lizzy. You figure out the most complicated puzzles! So proud to follow you.